Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Society gives power to kids

When I was growing up, as well as most of the people reading this, spanking your child didn't end with the possibility of going to jail.

I have spanked my children at home, but in public, there is always the fear that someone will scream abuse and call the police. In school, children are encouraged to call the police if they think they are abused. Who teaches them the difference between reasonable punishment and abuse?

My niece, who is now 13, threatened to call 911 if her mother spanked her when she was just 4. I don't believe it's parents who are "letting" their children "run rough-shod over them." I believe it is society that has done that by scaring the heck out parents with the threat of losing their children and possible jail. Society has given children power over their parents when it comes to punishment.

Amy Haralson


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