Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Wheat's ads raise very integrity issues he cites

We citizens of Fayette may not vote in the numbers that perhaps we should, but let no political office seeker assume that we are so unconcerned about our county politics that we never verify the campaign claims now filling our mailboxes.

I was intrigued by Fayette Commission candidate Mike Wheat's claim that he is seeking that office in order to restore integrity to the commission.

In the more than eight years I have lived here, I have attended many commission meetings, and have regularly reviewed commission minutes since they have been online. Quite frankly, this commission has more integrity than any I have ever witnessed anywhere else.

I have been very pleased with the outstanding leadership of Commission Chairman Greg Dunn and have found him completely respective of the citizens of this county as well as an energetic advocate for improving the qualify of life in this county.

So when I received Mr. Wheat's glossy, impressive campaign flyer, I was eager to learn his issues. I have learned that he seems to be stretching the truth in several issues I have thus far researched.

For example, he charges that his opponent, Greg Dunn, ignores the land use plan and he cites the Starr's Mill commercial zoning case as an example.

The fact is, this is the only ­ yes, only ­ case where our commission has, after a careful decision process, voted to act in opposition to the plan. In this instance the properties surrounding the proposed rezoning were already commercial. It made absolutely no sense not to rezone.

In another example, Mr. Wheat charges that Greg Dunn has no regard for the preservation of historic property in Fayette because he ordered the destruction of the Dorsey house.

Yes, he did, after granting delay after delay, totaling more than one year, so that friends of the house could to arrange for moving it. And Greg Dunn arranged for the county to donate the house free of cost to any who would claim it. Incidentally, the house itself was of questionable historical value as no one to date has presented any verifiable history.

My research into the other commission campaign issues presented by Mr. Wheat continues. And for anyone else, commission minutes are public record. Check for yourself.

So, Mr. Wheat, I am looking for some issues with real meat. Please don't insult my and other voters' intelligence with more truth-stretching. So far you have indeed raised my concerns about integrity.

N.D. Cleft

Riverdale (Fayette)

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