The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Packing it in for summer . . .

Laugh Lines

It's summer time, Fourth of July, and everybody's going somewhere. And as surely as Cher wears a wig, people are going to take lots of stuff with them.

When it comes to packing, though, the last thing anybody is doing is going on a diet, trimming down or watching their calories. Nevertheless, most of us need Slim-Fast for our Samsonites.

Why is it, everyone is always dying to get away from home, yet, when we do get to go, we want to take home with us? I guess we can't stand to be away from our stuff, so we pack it for the road. There must be some comfort factor in having familiar surroundings brought with us on a trip.

I often wonder if all our stuff is cheering while we are not looking. As soon as we leave the room our entire wardrobe is dancing around and singing, "We're going to Disney, We're going to Disney!"

Vacation is supposed to mean getting away from it all, but look inside the average person's suitcase and you will find their all: The hair dryer, the laptop, the curling iron, the travel iron, the electric razor, electric toothbrush, camera, camcorder, first aid kit, shaving kit, makeup kit, sewing kit.

It's a wonder we have room for our clothes. And heaven forbid if you bring a child! Then there's the accumulation of bags: The diaper bag, the toy bag, the game bag, the snack bag, to name a few.

We bring all this junk, yet we think we're cunning to save space by stuffing our socks into our shoes before we pack them, or use one of those travel tooth brushes that fit inside the handle. Yeah, boy, that is sure going to save some space.

Yet, there are whole industries built on the "travel size." If you go to your average Eckerd's you will find a section with "Mini Me"-sized items of every kind: Travel shampoo, razors, hand lotion, deodorant and shaving cream. I especially like the travel-sized aspirin bottle that holds 10 pills. Yeah, that's gonna save space. And 10 aspirins? I will have gone through those tablets before the garage door hits the driveway on the way out. My kids think I have the freshest breath in the world, given I call my pain relief, "Daddy's special Tic Tacs."

Even considering these small items, we still all need to visit our local support group, "Over Packers Anonymous." With the help of a good 12-step program any of us could break our six-bag habit. "Grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change or at least the suitcase space to change clothes three times a day."

With our failure to pack lightly, it's no wonder that we have wheels on our suitcases. And do you think this is what the early inventor had in mind for his uber-creation? I mean, forget the brilliance of the wagon train, the rail car, the subway system or even the Eddie Bauer custom interior SUV that first caveman engineer was probably dreaming, "These rolling spheres will be great in helping people move their Bermuda shorts and Scooby Dooby Doo beach towels through the airport!"

Of course, when he was done with his designs he celebrated with a respite in Cancun. Have fun in your travels, and remember to turn off the oven.

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