Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Wheat flailing for issues in race against Dunn

I wasn't surprised when I read the results of a poll of the entire metro area which showed that Fayette County residents ranked our schools, acceptance of diversity and other areas highly. We have a wonderful community and have much to be proud of.

I was also not surprised when I saw that the poll echoes my feelings regarding the efficiency of our county government and land use, planning and zoning we gave our Fayette County Commission high ratings, the highest by far of the 15 counties polled. The County Commission has much to be proud of, too.

I believe we are being bombarded by those in and outside the community who really don't care if we end up looking like some other metro Atlanta counties. Our county commissioners are doing the best job possible to keep Fayette County the special place it is.

In contrast with the positive feelings of many, I recently received a very negative letter that had been mailed out by the Mike Wheat campaign (he is running against County Chairman Greg Dunn) that slammed the entire commission. Apparently they missed Mr. Wheat when they polled the citizens of this county.

His letter says the commission shows contempt for the citizens of this county, implying they are power-hungry and he is going to save the county by restoring the trust lost during their term (I'm picturing him playing the Superman theme as he has visions of saving Fayette County from the arch villains on the County Commission).

He attacks unfairly and he attacks on a personal level. He is running against Chairman Greg Dunn; why is he bringing the entire commission into the picture?

If his intent is to paint Greg Dunn as an uncaring, contemptuous person, albeit in a rather indirect manner by bringing the entire commission into his campaign, I would surmise he has missed talking to the majority of the people in the county and doesn't know Commissioner Dunn at all except maybe through the eyes of a few malcontents in the county.

Commissioner Dunn works hard for what he believes in. He is always gracious, takes time to listen when approached, goes out of his way to learn the issues and to get to know the individuals involved, and has nothing but the utmost respect for the citizens of this county.

All anyone needs to do to get an accurate picture of him is to look at the things he has done, not just in our county but throughout his life. He has supported the seniors in the community, is supporting the building of a new Community Center, fought to keep the power plant from ruining the north side of this county.

[Dunn] supports almost every charity in the county not just with a few dollars but with his time, walking, serving on boards and getting involved. He has always comported himself as a gentleman. Anyone who cares to take the time can go back through the newspapers and read the stories [will find] Commissioner Dunn always sticks with the facts and conducts himself in a manner his mother would be proud of. Who is doing the negative talking, who is attacking or calling names? It's never Greg Dunn.

Mr. Dunn is easy to talk to, has earned the respect of the community, and has shown himself to be a hard-working, balanced, honest commissioner. Mr. Wheat seems to be looking for an issue and having a hard time finding anything to work with. So he's trying to make one. Or two.

Reminds me of the old saying that if you throw enough mud some of it will stick. That type campaigning has been tried before in this county. Hopefully it won't work any better this time than it did the last time someone tried to malign this straight-arrow candidate.

I would hope that Mr. Wheat's campaign would focus on issues rather than continue with their innuendos and efforts to undermine what is good and positive in this community.

Mr. Wheat has a record, Mr. Dunn has a record. Let's look at what happened during Mr. Wheat's tenure as mayor of Fayetteville and Mr. Dunn's record as a county commissioner.

Let's decide if we want what Mayor Wheat did in Fayetteville to happen to the rest of the county.

Personally, I'm hoping to find out what happened to the crime rate, traffic and population in Fayetteville during [Wheat's] term as mayor.

I believe the future of our county is shaped each time we elect a board of commissioners, a mayor or city council member. Let's have an honest race based on issues so we can decide honestly.

Lyn Murphy

Peachtree City


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