Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Reporting on murder is comprehensive, local

I would like to address the claim of biased reporting made by Regina Riddle regarding the Jim Watson case.

What I saw in your articles was the reporting of more details than could be found in the Atlanta papers. That's exactly what I expected to find. This is a local story reported in a local paper.

I do agree with Ms. Riddle that a more comprehensive reporting of the facts tends to make Mr. Watson look guilty, but I hope you'll continue to report them rather than selectively cull them as Ms. Riddle seems to desire.

The tone of Ms. Riddle's letter suggests (to me) that she is a friend or family member of Mr. Watson's. If this is the case and she wishes to maintain her belief in his innocence, I suggest she read (or listen to) no further news reports during the trial. She will surely need to keep a tight grasp on her blinders.

She may, however, take solace in the fact that he's being tried in Fulton County. I understand that murder convictions there are relatively difficult to obtain.

Lynn Williams


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