Wednesday, June 12, 2002

37 politicians later, Fayette 1 election away from Riverdale

Thank you, Cal Beverly and The Citizen, for the election forum. I hope your readers take full advantage of this opportunity to exchange ideas and stay informed during this very important election.

Fayette County is the finest county in the state of Georgia. I have lived here for 23 years and I am proud to call Fayette County my home. Our community is full of hard-working, successful, community-minded people who have worked to keep our elected officials in line. That is one reason Fayette County is a great place to live. The citizens have finally gained control in the last four years.

In the past, the only thing wrong with our county was the developer-driven politicians that felt they could rezone every parcel of land to the highest density they could squeeze on it. They thought they could run (and ruin) Fayette County for their friends and their own benefit. They were arrogant and abusive. They thought you were too busy to pay attention.

We are not so dumb after all. In the last 15 years we have thrown out 37 failed elected officials. We are still paying for their mistakes.

Many excellent local developers do a very good job without the need to rezone. We need to support them. Many good elected officials represent us; we need to keep them. We are the taxpayers, we pay the taxes and the bills in this county. The elected officials work for us; they must remember that.

We are only one or two rezonings or one election away from looking like Riverdale throughout all of Fayette County. Fayetteville looks like Riverdale now. If the whiners, losers and good old boys in Peachtree City get their way, Peachtree City is next.

We must continue to work for a better Fayette County by staying informed and working hard to support the elected officials we trust. County Commissioners Linda Wells and Greg Dunn have made the hard decisions to support us, the taxpayers, on the transportation, zoning, and growth issues.

The developers want them out. Linda Wells and Greg Dunn will not give the developers the rezonings they want. Linda Wells and Greg Dunn have stood up to Gov. Barns for you. Talk to them and get involved in reelecting them.

The developers and their supporters have started a vicious campaign. They attack the elected officials that represent the taxpayers of Fayette County and Peachtree City. They want the power back they lost.

The developers talk about restoring trust and confidence. The developers talk about contempt and arrogance, yet the developer-driven politicians are the reason for the transportation, zoning, tax increases, overcrowded schools and growth problems.

Are you happy with the traffic at the Pavilion and soon-to-open Peachtree City big boxes [Wal-Mart and Home Depot]? This whole issue is quality of life, the very thing you moved here for.

If you want all of Fayette County to look like Riverdale and Fayetteville, vote for former Fayetteville Mayor Mike Wheat. If you want Peachtree City to have more big boxes, annexations, traffic, apartments and your tax dollars going to support the good old boy Developer Authority and their projects that benefit them, then support the Developer Authority.

If you want to protect your greatest financial investment, your family home, get informed and stay involved.

Local elections are very important; they affect you in many ways, and most elections are decided in the primaries. Your vote is important; use it to send the developers a message.

This election has started out with sound bites; make sure you know the truth, who you can trust and support to continue to make the very hard decisions to protect us, our homes and tax dollars. This forum will be a great place to express that. It should be a very lively discussion.

See you in the forum; see you at the polls.

Bob Craft


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