Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Is Mayor Brown a 'do as I say, not as I do' person?

Once again, Mayor Brown has demonstrated his knowledge and "Johnny come lately" foresight, just as he had when he decided to run for the position.

The city has been enforcing the sign ordinance and that is why we don't have many of the national outfits in the city. That's their standard marketing program.

Of course Mayor Brown has excellent schooling background in marketing and management that he has so readily criticized others about. His name is also absent from many events that have taken place in this great city as he suggested that we should become involved.

Yes, Mayor Brown, many are praying for you, of that I can assure you. Our Kiwanis and Rotary and other civic groups have applauded the city officials and employees and given honors to them for years. We haven't been finding fault with all the city councils and mayors since the city was founded.

Mayor Brown states that he enjoys "energetic debate" so much so that he cuts off debate if it doesn't suit his purpose. Let us see you get with it or are you a "do as I say, not as I do" person?

Bill Aleshire

Peachtree City

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