Sunday, February 10, 2002

Local judge tapped for reality TV series

A popular reality television series will show local residents a side of Superior Court Judge Paschal English they have never seen.

Who is Paschal English and will he make a good Survivor?

Superior Court Judge Paschal English was recently announced as one of the 16 contestants on the fourth installment of CBS' hit series "Survivor."

N. Fayette UMC offers variety of worship

First through fifth graders might want to join WAAM (What Adults Are Missing), or perhaps to worship in a spirited, upbeat and celebrative way and decide to participate in "The Grove."

Road project gets $100,000 boost

Fayetteville now has an extra $100,000 for an important road project.

Valentine's Day forever

Just imagine, Valentine's Day approaches again in the year of our Lord 2002.. Since 9/11, our world has certainly changed, but there are some things that never change.

The wonder of miracles
Contributing Writer

Did you know the word miracle comes from the Latin, meaning a wonder, or a marvel?

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