Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Rower: Thanks to PTC men and women who serve without recognition

The runoff election is behind us and I wanted to take a few moments to thank the many wonderful people who helped make my campaign the success that it was. Our community is filled with so many giving individuals who neither ask for nor receive recognition. They do not seek accolades. They do a job simply because it needs to be done.

Are they the establishment? I don't know, but I do know they were there for Peachtree City during this campaign as they are everyday that your child is on the athletic fields, or when a volunteer is needed anywhere in town. They are Kiwanians, Rotarians, Optimists and Chamber [of Commerce] members and they are just members of our community who care. They give back and they make Peachtree City what it is, a great place to live, work and raise a family.

During the past 11 weeks, two men who deserve particular mention honored me with their support. They are former Mayor Frederick Brown Jr. and Mr. Frank Murphy. Fred Brown is one of the finest men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Fred is incredibly knowledgeable and a more honorable man I have never met. I am proud to have Fred as my friend.

Frank Murphy and I met during this campaign as we were seated beside one another during the many forums we attended. Frank is a gentleman. He knows the issues facing Peachtree City and serves this community with honor and integrity. It was my great pleasure to make new friends of Frank and his lovely family.

I also need to thank my family for their commitment to Peachtree City. They have served this community long before this campaign and gave even more in the past three months.

This is a new day for Peachtree City, a break in a long tradition. Perhaps it is fitting that as we transition from a growing community where great vision was required to a city approaching completion, our leadership needs must change as well.

Finally, I would like to publicly thank one man in particular, not for anything he has done during this campaign, but for the decade of service he has given to Peachtree City, the Honorable Mayor Robert Lenox.

Bob has given more to Peachtree City than any of us will ever know. He has served with integrity, dedication and dignity and we are a better community because of Bob Lenox. Bob and his family have sacrificed their personal lives to make our lives and our homes that much nicer. In exchange, he has been personally assaulted in the media by the uninformed and the jealous. I have not always agreed with Bob, but I have never doubted that Bob's only motivation was the betterment of Peachtree City.

Thanks, to Bob Lenox and all the men and women of honor and integrity who have served our home. They serve in and outside of government, simply because there is a job that needs to be done.

Gary Rower

Peachtree City

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