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Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Move the process back into the sunlight

You need to be aware of a behind-the-scenes debate in Washington.

Casualty of war: politically correct
Laugh Lines

Where is political correctness now? In times of war, we see just what is important and what isn't. Our war, which is a response to being attacked, has suddenly made it all too evident just how ridiculous the religion of "PC" ever was. Our sheltered, privileged world in the United States was shattered when we were attacked by terrorism, and we need to accept and realize that too many years of PC mentality played a part in just why we were attacked.

Trade bill protects U.S. textile industry

During the week the Congress considered 24 legislative measures under "Suspension of the rules." These "Suspension" measures are usually non-controversial bills that require the support of at least two-thirds of the House members in order for the legislation to be approved. Of the 24 suspensions considered last week there were several notable measures, including:


City courts should not be just 'money makers'

I applaud County Commissioner Peter Pfeifer's efforts to communicate with the public and was glad to read his letter to the editor in last week's Citizen. I wish more of our public officials would communicate directly with the public as he does, and so forthrightly.

Rower: Thanks to PTC men and women who serve without recognition

The runoff election is behind us and I wanted to take a few moments to thank the many wonderful people who helped make my campaign the success that it was. Our community is filled with so many giving individuals who neither ask for nor receive recognition. They do not seek accolades. They do a job simply because it needs to be done.

Did we forget Bush's tally?

The cartoon attempting to link the ACLU with terrorism that was published in The Citizen Dec. 5 was in exceptionally poor taste.

Appreciating Indian neighbors

Wow! What a great letter in The Citizen Dec. 5 by Mrs. Neelam Sharma (Tripathi), "After Sept. 11, skin color seems number one issue."

What to do about unwanted radio signals in home?

Wondering who I have to thank for recent problems with radio frequency interference out here at Gaelic Glen subdivision in Tyrone.

What to do about these unwanted papers in yard?

I moved to Peachtree City from Atlanta six years ago. In Atlanta, when you go out of town, if you stop your newspaper, have the post office hold your mail, and maybe put a timer on your house lights, you can relax in the knowledge that you've done everything you can to make your home appear normal so that it won't be a target for criminals.

Boylan needs rock'n'roll education

In my opinion Michael Boylan is an ignoramus and a poor writer, and you should strive to keep him as far away as possible from a word processor, typewriter or pencil.

Clinton shares blame for terrorism

According to press reports, Bill Clinton confided to friends on Sept. 14, 2001, that he envies G.W. Bush's good fortune in having the Sept. 11 attacks occur during his presidency, although he (Clinton) believes he could do a better job of managing this "defining moment." He also implied in a speech at Georgetown University that the U.S. may have been experiencing some sort of payback from the attacks. These are strange comments from a former president (or co-president) who did much to indirectly aid and abet terrorists and terrorism through the following actions:

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