The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Home Page

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

The holiday season is underway and as Christmas draws closer, there are more and more seasonal activities taking place. This weekend will feature tree lightings, holiday concerts, a chance to meet and greet Santa Claus and more.

FCFT gives the back story of Santa Claus

Everyone knows about Santa Claus. He travels around the world on Christmas Eve with his sleigh, flying reindeer and his magical bag of toys. But how did Kris Kringle get the best job in the world?

Usher in the holiday season with Christmas trees

It is now time to choose a Christmas tree. This year, with many fmailies choosing to stay home for the holidays, the Georgia Christmas Tree Association expects close to half a million visitors at area farms.

Del Flugel Fiasco

Last summer, when the worst things we had to worry about were mosquitoes and a sag in the economy, our Mary decided to buy a grand piano. Its long-anticipated arrival last month was as anticlimactic as a Braves postseason playoff game.


High schools give performances tomorrow and Friday

There will be lots of music at the local high schools tomorrow and Friday.

Curiouser and curiouser

This week marks the anniversary of the publication of Lewis Caroll's "Alice in Wonderland," the story of a girl who goes down a rabbit hole, through the looking glass and into a world that gets curiouser and curiouser. This classic tale has been presented in many forms since its creation and continues to be a favorite amongst children of all ages.