Wednesday, October 31, 2001

White upholds standards for developers, builders

Remember, there is a city election in Fayetteville, Nov. 6. Only the Post 3 City Council seat currently held by Walt White is contested. In these challenging times where growth, traffic and security are major concerns, we need experienced, conservative leadership. I am supporting Councilman White in this very important race.

I have known Walt White for many years. I know Walt White has been a part of the city's successful efforts to garner transportation dollars from the state. I know Walt White has fought for lower density and higher standards for developers in our community. I know Walt White has supported our police and fire by making sure the needed resources are available. I know Walt White will continue to provide this kind of leadership when he is reelected.

Councilman White's opponent, on the other hand, hasn't the experience in dealing with these complex issues. I have spoken with Councilman White's opponent and have read his press release and he has convinced me that he believes your local government should not be setting standards for developers and builders.

For most of us, our home is our single largest investment and we want our local government to protect that investment through proper zoning regulations and building codes. Councilman White has supported these regulations; his opponent, apparently, will not. Vote with me for Walt White in the Fayetteville City election on Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Mike Wheat


[Wheat is a former mayor of Fayetteville.]


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