Wednesday, October 31, 2001

'I will be a uniter, not a divider, and I will listen'

Let me begin by expressing my personal appreciation to all of the people associated with The Citizen newspapers for providing the candidates a forum to express their views and vision for the future of Peachtree City.

As we enter this last week of our campaign, I want to publicly thank the other candidates for their willingness to seek public office. I believe the citizens of Peachtree City have a tough decision to make on Tuesday, Nov. 6.

In the mayor's race, if you want experienced and tested leadership with a positive and proactive voice, the choice is clear.

If elected the new mayor of Peachtree City, I PLEDGE to be a uniter not a divider. I will seek consensus and trust between council members and the mayor. I will conduct the city's business publicly, with dignity, honor and wisdom. I will maintain an open and free exchange of ideas by welcoming citizen input and the expression of their concerns. I will focus on solving our transportation issues, oppose senseless annexation and work with federal, state, and county governments to insure that Peachtree City receives its fair share of revenue, grants and low-cost loans. I will LISTEN! I will not disappoint or let the citizens down.

In closing, many have said that voter turnout will be low. As a veteran and former elected public official, please don't let this happen. Take advantage of the opportunity to have a voice in your city government. Exercise your right to vote in a free country.

God bless America!

Dan Lakly

Peachtree City



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