The Fayette Citizen-Sports Page

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Shotgun clinic for women offered

Venture Outdoors and the Georgia Department of Naturaa Resources, Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) invite women to participate in a shotgun clinic, Saturday, June 23 at the Cherokee Rose Sporting Resort in Griffin. Women have a choice of two classes, 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m.

"This workshop is designed for women who are just learning about shotguns," said Jeanie Dillard, the event organizer and instructor. "We want women to come out and enjoy the challenges and rewards of learning a new sport."

Women will learn safe firearm handling and experience firing at clay targets in a friendly, non-threatening environment. The cost of the workshop is $20, which covers instruction, equipment, shtgun shells and lunch. Each class is limited to 20 participants so women are encouraged to register as soon as possible by calling Dana at 770-227-6569.

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