Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Nativity to welcome Easter with ancient rites, practices

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity will begin Easter Sunday in the darkness, before dawn, gathered around a bonfire.

"The Great Vigil of Easter, which begins at 6 a.m., will have elements of the ancient practice of the fourth century church, which began around a fire for the lighting of the Paschal Candle, a symbol of the light of the Risen Lord's presence." said Nativity's pastor, Bob Hudak.

The Easter sacraments of baptism and Eucharist will follow a time of prayer and scripture readings. Easter breakfast will follow around 8 a.m. All are welcome.

The second service will be at 10 a.m. Dr. John Schuster- Craig, chair of the music department at Clayton College and State University will lead the choir. Children will participate in the "flowering of the cross," An egg hunt will follow immediately after the service.

Visit the church's new website at for more information or call the parish office at 770-460-6390.

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity is part of the 93 parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The church is at 130 Antioch Road in Fayetteville. Pastor Bob Hudak can be reached at

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