Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Clinton pardons were unlawful; urge President Bush to revoke them

President Bush has the authority to declare null and void the 43 pardons issued by former President Clinton during his final hours in the White House.

These pardons were issued without the required specificity to allow the U.S. Department of Justice to process the applications. In fact, there were no applications only a letter from Clinton stating that the pardons were acceptable to the extent set forth in the applications, a Catch 22 situation which would allow negation of the pardons.

There are 29 persons in this category, including the unrepentant former Democrat activist Dorothy Rivers, who stole government funds intended for the disadvantaged, including the homeless, handicapped children, and pregnant teens. Government prosecutors were blind sided and reportedly outraged by this pardon.

A second group of 14 individuals had previously submitted clemency applications which were denied by Clinton on Dec. 28, 1998. Their records were not actively being reviewed for pardon by the Justice Department at the time of the clemency, so they were, therefore, not eligible for further consideration. There is no basis in law for these pardons.

The best way to put the past behind us and move on is to insure we leave no injustices in our wake. A great injustice has been done to the people of the United States and to our nation of laws. A shameless and unconscionable political charlatan has been allowed to subvert the pardon process, probably for political donations. There would be nothing partisan about righting these wrongs. It would be the necessary finale to the Clinton-Gore decade of deceit. Contact the White House, your U.S. representative and senators, and ask them to urge the president to take the necessary action.

William Fielder

Peachtree City

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