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Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Figuring out who killed the 'Delta family'

I'm no expert on Delta Air Lines, but I know more about the company than the average person knows about the average big company.

At the crossroads: Equality or spoils?
One Citizen's Perspective

There are those in our society whose very livelihood depends on keeping us divided based on our personal identification with various groups by race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, economic status, and a host of other distinguishing traits that make each human a unique specimen.

They live among us, these robots
Laugh Lines

There is a conspiracy afoot. Someone is turning the human race into robots. I would either guess it is the government or big-corporate America, but since they have merged, I guess that is a moot point. Nevertheless, everyday I see more and more of these "robot people" replacing what used to be flesh-and-blood people.


Delta pilot: No apology for union's actions

So what's a conservative to do? Ostensibly wanting to avoid government interference and class warfare, how does he advocate both, to keep those pesky unions from interfering with the big money clubs, and still give the appearance of self-righteousness? Well, the methods seem to vary by conservative.

Pilots' dispute with Delta has many facets besides just pay

In response to the Delta employee's letter (The Citizen, March 14), I'd like to set the record straight.

4-H shooting program has tried to be a good neighbor in south Fayette

In response to Mrs. Buchanan's letter about the Fayette County 4-H Shooting Awareness, Fundamentals and Education (S.A.F.E.) range, let's get the facts straight.

We should support programs for youth like 4-H

It will be increasingly difficult to find a spot of land that isn't designated residential or commercial in the near future, so where does that leave our organizations like 4-H?

People misunderstood about shelter killing cat

First, let me thank all who have called to offer their sympathy for my family's loss of our pet cat. I received several calls since my letter was printed March 7.

2 sides to this cat killing story

A kill first and ask questions later policy?

Many causes for upset along PTC cart paths

Larry Robinson, please accept my sympathy for your condition. Facing life while burdened by unreasonable fears can be tough. I hope you get professional help.

Animal Control has a tough job, but does it well

This is in response to the letters regarding the cat that was euthanized by animal control. First of all, let me say that it was indeed a tragic ending to a loved pet's life. However, I would like to make people aware that they must take a more active roll in locating a lost pet.

Needed for cart path pets: Uniformed police, not another city ordinance

How sad that a reader needs to carry a stick to protect himself from unleashed dogs. Unfortunately, another ordinance, which won't be enforced any more than the current one, is not the answer.

New blood for PTC Development Authority

Could the winds of positive change be blowing in our community? You will recall that a few months ago, Peachtree City Councilman Dan Tennant proposed setting term limitations on the members of Development Authority and the other municipal authorities. Tennant's motion was rejected. The reasons for the denial were not enough people were applying and the City Council itself could control limits on the terms by not re-appointing the same members.

Clinton pardons were unlawful; urge President Bush to revoke them

President Bush has the authority to declare null and void the 43 pardons issued by former President Clinton during his final hours in the White House.

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