Wednesday, March 7, 2001
Prime Timers enjoy St. Patrick's Day

You don't have to be Irish to appreciate St. Patrick's Day. However, Fayette County is home to a large number of second and third generation Irish and a few original Irish transplants.

Nancy Price embarks on new career
Nancy Price, in her capacity as Regions Bank's marketing officer and Heritage Club coordinator, has been in on the Prime Timer Pages since the very beginning. She was instrumental in helping to "sell" the initial idea and has been a major part of the ongoing success of the pages. As many of our readers are aware, Nancy has started a new career with the city of Fayetteville's Main Street organization. The Heritage Club of Regions Bank will sorely miss her bright smiles and great ideas.
Doster celebrate 51st
Sabine and Jim Doster met in Germany in 1946. Jim was in the Army, and was introduced to Sabine, who is from Estonia, through mutual friends. They began dating, and after a four-year courtship they married Feb. 18, 1950.
Graham has true Irish connection
The Irish are among us and we are often unaware. Take the case of Connie Graham.
'You only hear me when you want to...'
Is that a comment you've heard before?

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