Wednesday, February 14, 2001

Letter opens eyes of one Tyrone resident

Well, gaw-lee-gee, that thar' Mistah M. Barry Bartlett Sr. shore told us athang or two in his letter printed in th' Feb. 7, 2001 edition of The Citizen, din't he? I mean, all this time, I thunk I wuz livin' in a fine lil' town, with fine naybers and sech, but he done straightened me out, yessirree he did!

Little did I know thet when I wuz raisin' my young'uns in Tyrone, they wuz growin' up in sech a backwater! If they had knowed that, they pro'bly wouldn't have growed into such respec'ful, perductive, an' successful adults, neither would any o' thare friends!

But Mistah Bartlett Sr., thar's one big thang I jest don't understand, and since you seem so brilyant, purhaps you kin hep clarify it fer me. It's jest this: If, as yore letter sez, you been havin' the "unhappy experience of living amongst ... (us) dumb as dirt, redneck as it gets, Bubbaville-thinking Town Council, mayor and residents in Tyrone" since 1990, how come you ain't moved?

An' you sez you tells folks from around the country you lives "on Line Creek just outside Peachtree City so they won't think I'm stupid," duz that mean it's smart to keep livin' in a place whut you seems to dislike so much? Have you ever thought about jest crossin' the creek and livin' amongst our good naybers in Coweta County? That wud give you a whole new group of nice people and guv'ment officials at whom you kin huff and puff!

Since you dun opened my eyes, and likely the eyes of many other Tyronians, by makin' us aware that there is "no redeeming value to the place at all," it appears yore job here is dun. What more kin one man do?

You likely even opened the eyes of this here newspaper, The Citizen, by advisin' them editers: "just read your own article and you will know how backward this place truly is." I'm shore they wuz as su'prized as I wuz to realize how blind we all have been!

Thanky, thanky, thanky, Mistah Bartlett Sr., fer lettin' all us know jest what kinda nayber an' citizen you are. I'm feelin' purty grateful thet all I got to fuss about in MY neighborhood is folks drivin' too fast, but Tyrone's finest heps me with thet whenever I call 'em. You jest let me know when you decides to cross Line Creek, and I'll shore be thar' to hep you pack.

Ginger C. Blackstone



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