Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Shame on Max, Zell and Demos

In The Citizen Nov. 29 Letters, e-mails, faxes: "Demos not supporting military," you inadvertently took part of my comments out of context.

My criticism is not of your newspaper "for remaining silent" as you have been very opinionated about this issue.

I do however find fault with Senator Max Cleland, Senator-elect Zell Miller (who many Republicans voted for) and all of the other Democrats who by remaining silent have prevented the tens of thousands of absentee overseas military ballots from being counted in Florida and in the rest of the country.

Al Gore, Joe Lieberman and their surrogates, operatives and minions are taking extraordinary legal measures to disenfranchise our women and men in uniform, while at the same time these same Democrats go to great lengths in trying to read the minds of the voters several weeks after the election, in their never-ending quest to find the coveted and elusive dimpled chads, "surfing for Al Gore votes."

We are just seeing more of the O.J., Monica, wagging finger foisted upon us, which we have been force-fed over the last eight years. Shame on them.

Mike Velsmid

Peachtree City

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