Wednesday, November 8, 2000

How one man's investment paid off big time!


Many of you know I was well into my middle age years before I finally found my little niche in life here in the newspaper business. And, strangely enough, it was right here in this building, nearly 20 years ago, just a couple of rooms down the hall, where I first started my new careeras receptionist and advertising secretary for the old Fayette Sun. Even more strange is the fact that I also did religion newsbriefs, if you willexactly what I'm doing now, and from exactly the same source, your bulletins and newsletters. My career has truly gone full circle, hasn't it?

Of course, in between has been some pretty exciting stuffreporter, columnist, photographer, editor, and managing editor for the "other" paper; death-defying chases in police cars; emotional, gut-wrenching political stories and editorials; precarious and sometimes dangerous photographic experiences (I once climbed and perched on top of a barn to get a photo of a suspected tornado's path); and feature stories on the people and pulse of Fayette which warmed my heart.

Now, a settled and much-mellowed senior citizen, I can't help but reflect back on those things which really made an impression on me in my neophyte newspaper years. One of them is the gentleman who is the topic of the story below.

I first heard of him when I was doing the religion news 20 years ago. Now I hear him on the radio constantly and read of his good work everywhere.

The following article appeared in the Fayetteville Christian Church "Caller" some months ago and impressed me enough to want to keep it and share it with you. I love stories about people and where they came from, what they became, and how they got thereguess that's why I love the newspaper business, huh? This was written by Daniel Overdorf, Senior Minister of the Fayetteville Christian Church. I know you will enjoy it...

Investing Wisely

Bonds, real estate, blue chips, certificates of deposit, precious metals...the world of financial investing can get awfully confusing. In every investment opportunity, however, there is one bottom-line question to which you'll find yourself returning: What's the return? What will I profit by investing in a certain opportunity?

Perhaps that same question should be asked concerning other matters in life. Let me tell you about one man's investment and the return he realized.

Soon after marrying, George McClusky decided to invest one hour a day in prayer. Every day at 11 a.m. he would pray specifically that his children would come to know Christ, and that their homes would one day honor Christ. After a while, he decided to expand this prayer to the future generations, investing prayer for this grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

As George's two daughters grew, they both married Christian men who became full-time ministers. These two couples provided George with four grandchildren, all of whom also grew up to enter full-time ministry. This generation produced two boysgreat-grandchildren of George. The two boys, cousins, chose the same college and became roommates. During their sophomore year, one of the boys made the decision to enter full-time ministry. The other, however, knowing and feeling the pressure of the family legacy, chose not to enter the ministry. In a manner of speaking, this young man became the "black sheep" of the familythe first in four generations not to enter full-time ministry.

This black sheep decided instead to pursue his passion for psychology. After completing his college studies, he entered graduate school, eventually earning a doctorate. He began writing, producing books about parenting, marriage, and the family. The books became best-sellers, and eventually he started a radio program that is broadcast daily on thousands of radio stations.

The name of this "black sheep?" James Dobson. Dr. Dobson is the founder of "Focus on the Family" and is one of the strongest voices for Christian values in our world today. George McClusky's investment had quite a return, wouldn't you say? Prayer for our families...sounds like an opportunity too good to pass up!


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