Wednesday, October 11, 2000

Log on and check out your tax refund

To understand the Bush/Gore tax plans, log on and calculate your benefits under each plan.

One friend who did the calculation found that Gore's plan would give him a $434 refund. Under Bush's plan he would keep $5,175 of the money he earned.

Another friend found that he saved $2,368 under Bush's plan and zero under Gore, even if Gore should keep his promise to enact his "tax plan". Clinton and Gore have broken every promise they've made during the past eight years.

Sadly, the Gore supporters think that Gore is giving them money (too stupid to realize that it's money confiscated from them or someone else). Bush isn't giving them something, he's confiscating less from their earnings (in the one case, $5,175 less).

The socialist Democrats will never tell the truth. Socialism relies upon and thrives upon ignorance.

This country is doomed unless its citizens stop viewing the nation as an old sow pig with overflowing teats from which they suckle. Log on and calculate what your benefits would be under each plan, then vote accordingly.

Victoria A. Wanzer

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