Wednesday, September 13, 2000

Riley right: IRS bill means federal gun control

Subject: IRS gun control Amy Riley is right.
I read the proposed amendments to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The government money confiscator, as usual in wrong.
Mr. Editor, you made a grievous error. If the IRS employee didn't have the guts to sign the letter, you shouldn't have published it, but then maybe you should have; it proves a point, never believe the government. The Indians did, and the government is still lying to and cheating them.
If the IRS employee isn't getting the respect he/she thinks they should be getting they can always try to get a job in the real world.
I have contacted both Georgia senators, and Mac Collins. They are aware of the bill SB 2099.
Damn, 21 and one-half years in a military uniform and I might go to jail for carrying a gun.

Jimmy Shephard Fayette

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