Wednesday, September 13, 2000

Our country has lost its way, and few even care

I'm sure you've gotten hundreds of e-mails about [Dave Hamrick's column, "Is our way of life doomed?"]. It was excellent.

And yes, I do think we are doomed. Like you said, "they" are the majority and they are happy with the direction we are heading. We are so far removed from our founding fathers and their reasons for starting this country. And the government-run school system doesn't help. They can teach "their" version of our country's history and form of government. And with the media's help, there is no way we can overcome it.

Even my parents have given up. They are the ones who instilled in me the ideas of self-reliance and responsibility. When I get fired up about these issues, they just tell me to "build a wall up around myself" so that I can afford to pay the taxes and still live comfortably.

I am only 28 years old and my husband and I will be starting a family soon.

I hate to think what it will be like for my children when they are my age.

Thanks again for your great article. I am passing it along to all my liberal friends.

Mara Jacobson

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