Wednesday, August 16, 2000
Stay-at-home mom wants feedback

I am a “stay at home” mom.

We have three children and one is a newborn. I have always worked, but we decided for me to stay home because we wanted to keep the baby at home and not in a nursery. Our other two children are old enough to stay home by themselves, yet we feel they need our guidance more than ever now, as they mature.

It is very difficult to stay home because money is so tight, but we try to do without a lot of things, to allow me to stay home.

I also keep a few children here and there, which helps to make ends meet, and we’re doing okay.

We were told by a lady the other day that one day when she doesn’t have to work that maybe then she could get things done. This lady is married with no children.
Well, as you can imagine, this did not go over very well with me. I have my three children, another infant, two middle age children and then my friends call from time to time for me to keep theirs a day or two.

They also know we could use the money and they need the service so it works out well. I have just enough children to keep me busy all day and sometimes very busy, but I love children and keep them lovingly.

This is not a job for everyone, because it takes a lot of patience, hard work and a lot of love for children. It is very stressful at times, as those of you parents know.
That is why the comments this lady made really upset me. I feel like she thinks I sit around all day and watch TV. She has no clue!

I rarely see any TV; when it is on, it’s on cartoons at their rest times; but mostly my day consist of bottles, diapers, feedings, naps, projects for older kids, referee, cook, nurse, cleaner-upper, supervisor, hugger, listener and so much more.

This is where I would like your opinions. Please write in and tell everyone how your life has changed from being childless, to having children. Are there any other “stay at home” moms that would like to comment?

I would like to say, when I worked away from home, my job was easier, but less rewarding. Tell me what you think.

Niki Smith

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