The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, August 9, 2000


For Rent: PTC's denser-than-ever 'West Village

The West Village Annexation Task Force is meeting again today as the mayor-imposed deadline for a decision draws near. A “vote” is expected, but the outcome is foreordained.

Today's Private Ryans blissfully ignorant

Republican vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney hit on a truly substantive issue in his speech to the party convention last week when he promised the U.S. military, “Help is coming.”

No more SPLOST; get on 'bondwagon'
One Citizen's Perspective

The Fayette County Board of Education, Superintendent Dr. John DeCotis, a Facilities Study Committee, and a Facilities Action Committee are currently examining the need for additional schools and methods of funding.

Back to school rules for all
Laugh Lines

It's that time of year again when parents rejoice and kids get new underwear. It's back to school! I thought I would get out my article on the subject before we are subjected to a piece by Rheta Grimsley Johnson on her visit to, and subsequent coveting, of an old “one-room school house.”

Good citizenship can begin with your kids
Guest Editorial

Elections allow all citizens of the United States to take part in deciding the direction our country will take for the next four years. Elections give all citizens unprecedented power and responsibility.

Letters to the Editor

PTC annexing plan denser, differs greatly from mayor's original proposals

The Annexation Task Force vote has boiled down to either high-density annexation or forever bequeath it to the county. This is remarkably unfortunate as there are some wonderful annexation alternatives beyond the increased traffic, crowded schools and overburdened services version that the task force has to decide upon Aug. 9. Mayor Bob Lenox's all-or-nothing approach places the task force in a precarious position.

How the school board could build 5 new schools without raising our taxes

It's been said that the truth shall set you free. I was privileged to be invited to tell the truth about school financing issues, at a special school committee meeting on July 27, and press reports on this meeting have helped the public understand that increasing our sales tax is a super lousy way to finance schools.

More readers sound off about Hooters controversy

Hooters is not sexually exploitive

As a woman, I do not feel that Hooters is demeaning to women or sexually exploitive.

No 'adult' parlors near Hooters? Check Jonesboro

RE: Hooters and adult clubs:

Let marketplace decide Hooters' success or failure

I, too, share many of the values expressed by the esteemed pastor of New Hope Baptist Church.

Hooters: So what? it's a mediocre place

If Hooters wants to build in Fayette County or Fayetteville, so what?

Hooters doesn't mean end of our civilization

Being from Georgia originally, presently living in Deer Island, Oregon, I would love to have a Hooters in Fayette County. I only get to return there twice a year if I am lucky.

Those voting no to Hooters should get a life

I vote yes. Anyone voting no should get a life.

F'ville should draw the line against Hooters

Having taught in Fayetteville for about 20 years, I think it is bad enough when outside influences teach our kids that wrong is right. Now we are debating it close to home and we can't come to the right decisions for our young people here.

Hooters demeans F'ville' s high standards

I vote NO!

What possible positive impact could it have?

Thank you for receiving our views.

Fayetteville needs more quality eateries, like Benihana's

Fayetteville needs more moderately priced family restaurants such as Perkins, Cracker Barrel, Houston's, Red Lobster, Cooker, Olive Garden, Sizzler, Grady's, Ponderosa, Ryan's, O'Charley's, Bob Evens, Corky's Bar-B-Que (to name a few).

My freedom not to have Hooters is just as important

No, I don't want Hooters to open in Fayetteville. I also don't want prostitutes, drugs or gangs in Fayetteville.

Would you like a restaurant with guys in Speedos

I would like to ask [Hooters owner] Bob Brooks if he moved out of Fayette county!

Hooters' owners are deceptive

We moved here for the wholesome attitude and will stay as long as it continues. If I wanted to live by a Hooters, I would move to Jonesboro.

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