Obama to Form Commission to Study Debt Reduction

Will someone please tell our brilliant Pres. that such a bipartisan commission was formed by Pres. Reagan in 1982, and that Obama can read this report that is still lying in the files of Congress since 1985. It was called the Grace Commission and was made up of 160 of the country’s top business leaders both demos & repubs.

The Grace Commission studied US spending and debt all the way back to the beginning of the US, and found no deficit by 1963. Pres. Lyndon Johnson started deficit spending in 1964 and by 1968 he had accumulated 45 billion with the start of entitlement programs and others social welfare. Nixon ‘69-‘74 deficit was $67 billion, Ford ‘75-’76 $127 billion, Carter ‘77-’80 $227 billion, Reagan ‘81-‘88, $1.34 trillion, Bush Sr. ’89-’92 $1.4 trillion for a total of $2.84 trillion. Clinton, Bush Jr. & Obama have increased the deficit by $9 trillion to its present $12+ trillion.

Obama, the Grace commission projected the debt would be $13 trillion in 2010. The Grace report was right on the mark. Congress then in 1985 passed the Gramm-Rudman Emergency Deficit control Act, which was supposed to cap spending and start reducing the deficit. But each year since, Congress has voted to raise the cap so they could spend more.
Senator Warren Rudman resigned in disgust.

The Grace Report predicted that if Congress didn’t stop spending, the Social Security fund could not sustain itself by 2010 because there would be only 3 workers paying into it for every 1 retiree. Actually today its only a 2-1 ratio. In 1985 it was 20-1. The baby boomers are retiring. They further predicted that the end would come with a free fall in the value of the dollar. That started in 2008. The final fall would mean bankruptcy of the federal gov’t and states.

The report further predicted the death of the American economy by hyperinflation from too much creation of money and by panic when foreign financial markets stopped buying US bonds. Sound familiar Obama? The report says the warning signs would be that the federal gov’t can: (1) no larger collect enough taxes to serve in the debt. They now collect only 3 trillion of the 12 trillion owed. (2) the federal reserve starts buying its own debt. They’re doing that every week right now. (3) congress shows an unwillingness to address the debt. They never did.

So, Mr. Obama, there’s no need to form another study commission. Just read the 1985 Grace Commission Report and save some time, then do like the Braves baseball mgr did in the 1950’s, pitch “Spahn & Sain & pray for rain”.

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Submitted by PTC Observer on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 12:20pm.

Excellent post and points, I remember the Grace Commission and the abuse that Mr. Grace took when he testified before Congress.

He should have known that they appointed the commission as window dressing, the same thing that Obama is doing again. The one thing they didn't figure on was that Mr. Grace took his assignment seriously and reported back the truth.

Clearly reporting about Congressional mismanagement to Congress can be harmful to your health. I believe they call this reporting the crime to the perpetrator. I simply doesn’t do anything to right the wrong.

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 11:01am.

The reports from the 50's, 60's and 80's have some value - but conditions are different today - 2010. Our debt to other countries is different; our economic situation is different; we are still financially supporting TWO wars. We need those who are experts with the US financial situation in the global economy in 2010 to assist in steering us out of this mess. We need help- not history!! We're suffering from the mistakes of the past - we need to look to the future based on sound research of current economic affairs.

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 12:39pm.

" We need help-not history!! We're suffering from the mistakes of the past-we need to look to the future based on sound research of current economic affairs."

In January 2007 the Pelosi-Reid tandem inherited a $1.6 Billion deficit only to increase it to $458 Billion by January of 2008 with the help of a veto avoiding President. By the time Mr Obama took office they had raised it to $1.4 Trillion and the projection for 2010 is to have it at $1.6 Trillion. In effect they have tripled the national debt since 2008.

We do not need financial 'experts' to get us out of this mess, we need individuals in authority to make the cuts necessary to reign in our spending habits. Debt is debt, irregardless of when its made-we as a nation are obligated to pay it. Or, pass it along to our yet unborn generation as those within the beltway seem to believe.

Submitted by The Shadow on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 5:52pm.

PTC Observer understands and speaks from experience and knowledge. S. Lindsey also understands. Mike King understands and makes many good arguments. As usual there’s no hope for David’s Mom. She would do well in Atlanta public schools if they can continue changing the grades.

Two’s company, three’s a crowd. 635 in congress is a mob. The mob didn’t pay any attention to the Grace Commission Report and they won’t pay any attention to Obama’s Commission Report.

The Grace Report, after 4 years of research both nationally and internationally said: If government doesn’t stop the spending and reduce the size of government, then the US will bankrupt itself. They didn’t do it and now there is no hope.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 6:32pm.

Now there is no hope? Thanks to years of not listening we're to roll over and give up? Where do you plan to raise your family - now that there is no hope for the US? Canada? I don't think Mike or Lindsey is ready to 'give up' and leave. Did you pass 12th grade comprehension? There are intelligent, educated citizens in our country who will not GIVE UP! We have a problem. We can work towards solutions. YES WE CAN! If you can't join in the job of finding a solution - don't become part of the problem. Lindsey and Mike have some very sound ideas - and so do others. Surely there are people assigned to Obama's commission who will deal with the reality of our economy in 2010. It has changed since the Grace Commission. I just don't believe that 'conservatives' in our country are ready to 'give up'. I may be wrong. No hope ?- what a downer. You're truly a 'shadow' of a true American.

Submitted by The Shadow on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 2:50pm.

The government is not going to do it because there’s too much pain to go through. Government is going to have to be cut to the bone at least 70% including entitlement programs. The average government salary of $71,000 will have to drop below the average private salary of $40,000.

Unemployment will rise, more bank and business failure – no more bail-outs, interest rates will have to go up to encourage savings for new sound investment in business after everyone goes through all the pain. Now David’s Mom, what do you think should be done?

And yes, I passed 12th grade comprehension. In fact I went on to get a BS in economics, MBA in psychology and a Doctorate of law. I also paid attention to the Grace Report, paid off all my debts, never did over-spend and saved my money. I have my personal solution, what’s yours????

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 5:49pm.

With your superior achievement in academics - and your influence in the conservative movement – what did you do to insist that our legislators (Democrat and Republican) follow your sensible path - and adopt your personal solution? (There were citizens who questioned the spend, spend philosophy of the past administration, to no avail.) (There are those who are correctly questioning our spending today.) There were those who had your thought in the 30's - the naysayers - but the American people overcame the 'depression'. No matter what you and others think, I know that the younger generation will overcome this challenge. . .if we can learn how to respect one another and work together for the common good - rather than blindly follow ideologies that are proving to be failures. I agree that these will be painful times - but the American people will endure. Because I too have survived, I don't believe that I should sit silently by and watch grid -lock keep us from finding solutions to our problems. I will not sit by silently and watch this country go down the tubes. Having legislators who will not work together for the American people is unacceptable. Our system is broken, but not beyond repair.

The government is not going to do it because there’s too much pain to go through.

You are a student of political science! WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT!! We have allowed lobbyists and politicians to misrepresent us for too long. With your knowledge and understanding of the democratic process - you are familiar with the power of 'the people'. Americans have experienced 'pain' before. Lord knows too many are experiencing fear and pain now. . . but with some un-political cooperation and statesmanship, solutions can be found. Solutions? Banks must get that stimulus money out there. (We complain about the stimulus not helping - but very little has reached Main Street.) That money (some has been 'paid back') is sitting somewhere. It took years to get into this situation; no educated person could honestly state that they expected the situation to change in less than a year. Get focus on jobs, jobs, jobs! Start implementing strategies that will start to provide affordable healthcare to citizens and small businesses. LISTEN to one another. As one reads the concerns from both 'sides' - one realizes that there are more areas of agreement than discord. LETS MOVE ON THOSE AREAS WHERE THERE IS AGREEMENT!

Submitted by PreciousStahr on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 6:53pm.

During Reagan’s presidency, we have Bob Hope & Johnny Cash.
Now, under Obama’s administration, WE HAVE NO CASH & NO HOPE!

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 5:53pm.

Cute sayings won't help us now. Americans need to pull together and work on solutions.

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 2:05pm.

We do not need financial 'experts' to get us out of this mess, we need individuals in authority to make the cuts necessary to reign in our spending habits.

Individuals in authority (elected)making decisions without the input from 'experts’ is what we're suffering from now!! Just because one is 'elected' by his/her constituents doesn't mean that they have the information needed to use their authority in an informed manner. Cutting spending without having information about the national and international consequences in 2010 - 2020 is ludicrous. Future generations deserve better!

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 2:55pm.

Your first sentence describes Mr Obama to a tee, and your second magnifies his lack of competent advice given by those he appointed to fill his administration. Few could make a more accurate portrayal of our President.

Our country and its economic superpower status is a direct result of private enterprise and private enterprise alone. All federal, state, or local employees are a drain on America's productivity in the short term. Those that provide a genuine service to the nation (military, teachers, police, firemen, etc) do provide an invaluable service in the long term, albeit sometimes intangible.

Case in point: The Social Security Administration has since the days of FDR collected monies from employees and employers alike and is insolvent. Would you like to venture a guess as to where it went? I, for one, would simply be happy with recouping only the monies I paid in and Uncle Sam could keep any interest I might have earned over the four decades I spent as a wage earner.

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 3:47pm.

Look at 'experts' serving in the Obama adminstration. Many appointees left over from the Bush administration

GOP Bush appointees left over to protect VP Cheney's interests

From political.com

Those who are aware of the true 'workings' in Washington are very aware of what is going on - and the intense 'game' to denigrate Obama - so that he is a 'one-term President'. In the meantime, we are at gridlock and the country - although pulling out of the failed policy implementations of the Bush Administration - and the warped Cheney 'military justice' plans could be progressing if we didn't have this Bush/Cheney appointed holdovers - gumming up the works. That is my opinion. . .and unless there is some sign of true statesmanship from this Congress - they're gone, Democrat and Republican. The grassroots funds are building.

Would you like to venture a guess as to where it went? I, for one, would simply be happy with recouping only the monies I paid in and Uncle Sam could keep any interest I might have earned over the four decades I spent as a wage earner.

Where did it go? Corruption, fraud, greed, intent on being re-elected rather than making the hard choices. An inability to ACT when experts warned that this was the future of the funds.

To students of history - it was no secret that Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid programs were in trouble.

I don't see this as Obama's fault - and can't for the life of me see where returning to the past failed policies will help us. It's time for change - and change is difficult when you have an orchestrated plan to thwart change at every turn. . .and to put out half truths about what change would entail. (Death Panels, cutting off seniors, Socialism, etc., etc., etc., Just my opinion.

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 4:11pm.

Nice try, but Madsen just ain't very high on my credibility list.

You are right, it's not Obama's fault-his vision of change turned out to be MUCH MORE OF THE SAME: DEBT!

Wasn't it GWB who proposed a remedy to Social Security? Do you remember who in Congress ridiculed him for that? Think hard.

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 4:32pm.

Madsen is not the only journalist referenced. What did he say that is not credible?

Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 4:28pm.


Submitted by Davids mom on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 4:22pm.

It's important that both our opinions and references are shared. Clinton and Reagan proposed remedies long before GWB. I bet if I did the research, every President since the Truman administration has proposed a remedy for the inevitable. Sometimes, if you put off seeking solutions to a problem, it will cost. We're at that point now. It doesn't take much hard 'thinking' if you include 'action' in the solution to a problem. For too long, we've allowed letting the next guy solve our financial problems - and it is costing us BIG TIME. To cut services, (taxes, spending) unilaterally - without thought to consequences is foolish. Right?

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Wed, 02/17/2010 - 11:05pm.

and I don't mean a little 10% spending freeze on programs whose spending has already been increased by 25%.

Real Deep Painfull cuts are going to be needed soon. We are already in deep trouble. China is starting to move away from our debt.. The largest holder of our DEBT is the FED..

We are literally moving MONEY from one pocket and moving it to another pocket.. It's ENRON on a massive scale..

We create the DEBT then we BUY our own DEBT to Pay off that DEBT????

Just how does that work.. Let's see.. Write yourself a $50,000 check and deposit that check in the bank in your account..

Now go buy a new car with that money.. What happens.. YOU GO TO JAIL. When we do it it's called Check Kiting.. When the Government does it it's called Stimulus.

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. ~~Patrick Henry
"Illegitimus non Corborundum"

Submitted by PTC Observer on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 12:13pm.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."

~~Patrick Henry

This is an interesting quote you picked up; I believe that Mr. Henry was referring to the secret sessions of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, was he not? However, seems to be a pretty good outcome, don’t you agree?

Quoting Patrick Henry can be risky sometimes.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 4:49pm.

secret meetings on healthcare was a "good thing"?

Getting off topic can be risky as well...

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. ~~Patrick Henry
"Illegitimus non Corborundum"

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 8:09am.

Please be realistic, how can Congress stop the very thing that maintains their job security? They spend buying votes to maintain their base of power. After all, they only have to get the approval nod of 51% of those in their districts that actually vote. Sadly, within those districts those that vote are but a fraction of those eligible.

The Members of Congress with senority all know this and pander accordingly. We can speak ill of the likes of Barney Frank, Charles Rangel, or Nancy Pelosi but our own Westmoreland abides by the same code.

If there was ever a time to throw all the bastards out, now would be it. Any President with a fiscally responsible Congress would be characterized as one of the country's greatest in the eyes of history should they choose to eliminate our debt.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 6:41pm.

Any President with a fiscally responsible Congress would be characterized as one of the country's greatest in the eyes of history should they choose to eliminate our debt.

Bill Clinton did - with a bi-partisan/fiscally responsible Congress. . . and then came W.

Just sayin'

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