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FreeSpeech for 01-20-10Tue, 01/19/2010 - 4:18pm
By: The Citizen
We too were dumbfounded at the installation of unused and expensive crossing signals by Ga. Highway 314 and Kenwood Drive. But then we thought maybe this is in preparation for a walking/biking trail into Fayetteville. Wishful thinking? - - - - - - - - - - - - I agree completely with Thomas Henry’s letter regarding pedestrian crossing lights. They are a total waste of funds. I hope The Citizen will investigate where the money is coming from so we can express our outrage. Mr. Henry has lived in Fayette County 12 years and has not seen but two people crossing at 314/Kenwood Road. I have lived here over 60 and have not seen anyone crossing at 54/Banks Road. - - - - - - - - - - - - To the Frederick Brown Amphitheatre: I am a huge fan of www.pollstar.com. I received notification last week, our amphitheatre announced their first act: Christopher Cross. Really? Are you kidding me? Nothing against Christopher Cross, however, this is another example of how out of touch you people really are. Look, I understand about budgets, I understand about competing for talent with Atlanta, etc. My recommendation either bring “The Fred” back to what it once was, or shut it down. Stop wasting the taxpayers’ money. - - - - - - - - - - - - I love the parents around here that have no problem with their fourth- and fifth-graders on Facebook and have even helped them set their pages up. In doing so, they knowingly lie and state that their child is 13 years old or over. If their kid is really 13 and I know that they are in fifth grade, then they should be studying instead of being on Facebook. These parents are demonstrating and teaching a lack of integrity that should serve their children well in life. - - - - - - - - - - - - PTC Little League, what’s going on? New divisions with no descriptions, changes every season to confuse parents more, upping prices, adding softball. I would pay $165 for my 4-year-old to play t-ball ($280 for a 13-year-old) but only $75 to play softball. Can I register my boys for softball instead? Neighboring counties charge half what PTC does for the same playing time. What gives? On top of showing up for practices and games, which we gladly do, I am now supposed to go out and sell chocolate bars, but after I work the concession stand (or pay $50). So much for just going out and playing ball and having a good time. PTCLL is not travel baseball; stop trying to charge us like it is. By the way, I sure hope those two coaches get their randomly chosen good teams again. While I’m venting, stop the daddy ball and make everything on a fair level. Don’t try to convince us that the new divisions will do that; we’ve heard that for years. - - - - - - - - - - - - Why are our county commissioners so bent on the West Fayetteville Bypass project? If the goal is to keep the traffic moving (especially during commuting hours) then what good will another meandering two-lane road through residential areas do to accomplish that? How about improving the roads that already are most heavily used to move traffic through the county. Why aren’t Ga. highways 92, 54 and 85 being four-laned in their entirety through the county? Work with Fulton County and the Federal Highway Administration for resolution to the Hwy. 92/I-85 access problem. Make these improvements first, then look at other options if needed. - - - - - - - - - - - - In response to Jan. 13, “Quote the Law, know the law” regarding dogs off leash: Under “voice command” may bode well until something frightens or causes the animal to disobey. Another dog, a sudden appearance of a bicycle, or the internal motor whine of certain carts may cause this. Additionally, like children, dogs don’t always listen. I have had several dogs jump towards my cart, even while leashed, especially if my dog is in the cart. The paths are crowded with people walking two or three abreast and if one or two of them have a dog, problems compound rapidly. I have seen unleashed dogs as much as 20 feet from their owners or on longer than allowed retractable leashes that could not be possibly be retracted in time to prevent near misses or accidents. There are over 10,000 golf carts registered in PTC and for the most part we respect our fellow path users. Realize that a cart does not have power steering or power brakes and even at a slow speed the narrow paths do not leave much room for defensive moves. Please, while on the path protect your dog by keeping it on a short leash. - - - - - - - - - - - - To the person who so kindly straightened me out on the leash law, thank you. I am trying to keep the egg that is dripping from my face off of my keyboard as I write this. Lesson learned. My dogs are well-trained and I still keep them on a leash when approaching others out of respect to strangers. I also still think it is rude to let your dog approach others unleashed, and incredibly rude to jog through a neighborhood with your dog trailing behind off-leash relieving himself in any yard he chooses (in case you missed my point). - - - - - - - - - - - - One would think that in 2010 that racism in Fayetteville, Ga., was dead or at least dying. My family and I have been residents of this city for the last three years. We are homeowners, we pay our taxes, in addition to contributing to the growth and development of this city. However at every turn from the Fayetteville Police Department we are talked down to, belittled and made to feel that the things that affect us and or concern us doesn’t concern them. The first incident in 2007 occurred when two white uniformed police officers told me that my daughters were not raised right and if I took them to church I would not be having issues. Who are they to assume that my family and I do not attend church? Next in 2008 my daughter was one of the handful of BLACK children that were allowed to participate in the Fayette Citizen Academy. My husband and I were very proud; however, at the celebration ceremony we were made to feel unwelcome and less important. Now 2010, last but not least my husband (who has served his country in Iraq and a soldier for over 10 years) called to ask for the police to be send to our home for a person trespassing. In the arrival again of two WHITE uniformed officers, we were looked down at, belittled, and no help was rendered to us in any way. When my husband asked the junior officer if he was going to take the information for a trespassing warrant for the guy to be arrested, he was told, “You do it yourself.” If you ask me about the fine officers of the Fayetteville police department, they are unprofessional, racist, rude and unwilling to help if you don’t look like them. - - - - - - - - - - - - Since the NAACP invited all Fayette County third-graders as special guests of the MLK celebration, then why didn’t they give all of them, not just the ones of “color,” the same recognition for his/her high GPAs? After all, MLK specifically taught us to judge each other by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. - - - - - - - - - - - - This is a call, Sheriff Hannah: Get your troops’ speed under control. You would think Sheriff Department deputies think the roads in Fayette County are an autobahn, racing around the county, passing cars that are doing the speed limit and leaving them in the dust. Ga. Highway 85 by Whitewater Middle is a prime example; deputies come flying around cars, even during school zone times. It’s 35 mph, so have that deputy sitting in the driveway start checking other deputies. There is a green/teal Charger that is marked that I know I have fallen victim to him showing off his engine. It is going to take an accident or death before Hannah starts doing something about their speeds. How can you enforce speed laws when your own employees/enforcers cannot even follow them? Seems like a double standard? Without those blue lights on, they should be driving like they expect the residents to. - - - - - - - - - - - - A law to allow guns in the Capitol building? Doesn’t the good state senator from Sharpsburg remember what happened in Atlanta in March of 2005, when a gunman killed a judge, a clerk, and a security guard at the courthouse? Maybe he wants to run for a different office by eliminating the competition. - - - - - - - - - - - - Thank you, Fayette County Tax Assessors Office, for all you do for the citizens of the county. Joel Benton, Kelly Wenzel, Cindy Thompson and others in the office, for your dedication to the taxpayers seeing that questions are answered and requests are filled and your kindness, patience, and willingness to help when we inquire on tax related issues. Any government entity is supposed to be for the people, by the people. In some cases, while serving the citizens, some try to talk down or are just plain rude to the public. Your office shows respect and diligence to county residents even though some residents use you as a place to vent their frustrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - I saw a sign asking for donations to help pay the cost for the care of the horse shot by arrows. The parents of this truly disturbed teen should be responsible for the care of this horse. Parents should be held responsible for the actions of their children like they were years ago. I hope this sick teen gets psychiatric care; he needs it and the maximum penalty. No telling how many helpless animals have suffered at his hands. - - - - - - - - - - - - To the mom of the [teen] who shot the horse with arrows: How is your son ever going to learn responsibility when you go bail him out of jail and hire a lawyer for him? Let him sit in jail and think about how dumb he was. Don’t you think it is time to wake up as parents and quit protecting these kids that need to learn there are consequences for making stupid decisions? He is not better off because you are trying to save him from himself. You will find out how stupid you are when he is 45, still living in your basement and smoking dope. - - - - - - - - - - - - I am totally appalled by the attitude of the person who didn’t “donate” their coat because they couldn’t get a gift card. What you really were saying is that you weren’t able to “sell” your coat. You should be ashamed of yourself. What a positive role model you are for your children — not! - - - - - - - - - - - - I noted in my sanitation bill from the town of Tyrone “Congratulations to the Sandy Creek football team.” I too congratulate the football team. While this is an accomplishment, I would like to see some congratulations to those students who achieve academic excellence. Sure hope my tax dollars weren’t spent on a plaque or the like. - - - - - - - - - - - - It appears the Tyrone Town Council does not want to close the Valleywood Railroad crossing. Does anyone know if the town refuses to close this crossing, can the CSX railroad close it anyway? - - - - - - - - - - - - login to post comments |
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