Cal Thomas: A monument to mass murder

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Should anyone remain at the real end of history to chronicle a list of humanity’s worst systems for the benefit of any left to read it, the legacy of communism is sure to be at, or near, the top.

Cal Thomas: No more trust on immigration matters

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Former senator and probable Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson brought Virginia Republicans to their feet last Saturday night in Richmond when he said the public no longer believes in politicians who promise to secure the U.S. border as part of a bipartisan immigration bill.

Cal Thomas: Realism, strength needed for Israel’s next war

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There are consequences to losing a war, or being perceived not to have won. Israel’s ability to win wars has been based on its capacity to pound its many enemies into submission whenever they have dared attack. Depending on how you count them, Israel has been the target of at least four wars started by one or more of her neighbors, as well as numerous terrorist attacks. It had won all of them until 2006.

Cal Thomas: Amnesty by Another Name

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I wish I could believe the president and those senators who claim their agreement on immigration legislation will "fix" the problems of open borders and illegal aliens. I can't, because the public has had no input into the measure; the last time Congress "fixed" the problem, it got worse; and it appears Democrats and Republicans care more about harvesting votes for their respective parties than doing what's best for their fellow citizens.

Cal Thomas: Giuliani’s choice

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Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani picked the Friday before Mother’s Day to tell students at Houston Baptist University that while he “hates” abortion and finds it “morally wrong,” one must leave the ultimate decision to a pregnant woman. The young products of conception whose mothers chose to have them listened intently.

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