Take the mask off Islam

Tue, 08/29/2006 - 5:30pm
By: Letters to the ...

The costs we have paid and the toll in human lives and suffering has been an extremely high price to pay for intolerance, jealousy, religious fanaticism and greed. Yet still we have not learned our lessons.

We have had to go up against Nazism, fascism, imperialism, extremism — all the “isms” — for as long as men and women of good will and faith have existed.

What is happening before our very own eyes, I fear, is that the followers of a man, Mohammed, are proving themselves to be a danger to life, to liberty, to a cooperative spirit, freedoms we have sacrificed so hard to achieve over hundreds or thousands of years of human history.

I would challenge any of Islam’s leaders and followers to step up to the plate and prove me wrong. But sadly, they are quiet. I do not hear their voices.

Consequently, I am led to conclude that if they are not with us, they are against us.

Islam, contrary to what the moderate elements of this group claim, and specifically the radical elements of Islam in the Muslim world, has over the years proven itself to be nothing more than an effort on the part of a few charismatic, psychopathic, intolerant religious fanatics to legitimize the killing of innocent men, women and children — even their own — in order to gain power and prestige.

It would be incompetent on the part of any peace-loving, fair-minded society to allow its followers to proselytize, gain in numbers and strength or to become an integral part of the society.

It is clear that the murdering, the intolerance, and the slavery that “dhimmitude” expresses and condones won’t go away under any circumstances. Its followers are a danger to themselves as well.

God help us as we seek to moderate this terrible plague which has befallen society. It is becoming abundantly clear that it is a plague conceived and implemented in the hearts and minds of a few psychopathic, intolerant, jealous, religious fanatics bent on self-destruction.

Bo Mullins
Fayetteville, Ga.

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