County will look at owning community sewer systems

Tue, 08/29/2006 - 4:42pm
By: John Thompson

The Fayette County Water Committee has recommended the Fayette County Commission look into the issue of owning and operating community and drip irrigation sewer systems.

Water Director Tony Parrott said the issue passed unanimously last week after the committee explained concern over having no control over the sewer systems.

“Right now, the state’s Department of Natural Resources permits the system and we have no say over anything,” he said.

There are some community systems currently in the county, such as the Sandy Creek facility that serves three schools and Marnelle Mobile Home Park.

By owning and operating any new systems that are permitted, the county would be able to respond quicker to any problem that could occur, Parrott said.

The committee will recommend the county own and operate any new systems that would treat between 10,000 gallons a day and 150,000 gallons a day.

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