School Health Services Receives Immunization Award

Tue, 08/29/2006 - 4:32pm
By: The Citizen

Fayette County’s School Health Services program is the recipient of Georgia’s 2006 School Walt Orenstein Champion for Immunization Award.

The annual award is presented to school systems or schools that have made significant strides towards improving the health and wellbeing of Georgia’s children and adolescents through immunizations.

Fayette County Health Department Nurse Manager Carolyn Callison nominated the School Health Services program for the award. The award will be presented at the 13th annual Immunize Georgia Conference on September 12 at the Georgia International Convention Center.

Debbie King, RN, school health services specialist, will accept the award for the school system. She has also been invited to participate in a focus group following the conference to discuss and assist in designing school-based vaccine clinics in Georgia.

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