‘I believe ...’

Tue, 11/08/2005 - 4:57pm
By: Letters to the ...

That in the beginning was God, and God was the beginning. Whatever there is, was, or ever will be created was and is created by God.

That some 13 to 14 billion years ago there was no space, there was no void, there was no universe, there was only God. If the universe were begun with a Big Bang, the matter and the Big Bang itself was and is the creation of God.
God created space in which to fling His creation.

That when He had finished His creation, and His universe, it was with His blessings, and contained all of the laws of matter, gravitation, motion, electronics, and their successive matters. He set the speed of light to be constant at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, as measured in English miles, and time. That constant is one of the principal bases for the measuring of ages and distances of the universe as it is today, and by which God has revealed his universe.

That some five to six billion years ago, as part of God’s plan, He selected a medium-sized star in the outer fringes of the a spiral galaxy, the Milky Way, and created a system of planets, nine in all, consisting of four rock planets and five gaseous ones. The planets vary in distances from that star from 36 million miles to over three billion miles. Their mass and distances create the permanence and stability of His solar system.

That God then selected the third planet to become a living one, and a place to create living organisms. Living plants, and animals on land, and plants and animals in the vast ocean created He. When the planet, named Earth, had become a garden God created Man. In His own image created He.

That in order to make the planet Earth to his specifications, he designed the Earth to have a solid core of iron and other metals, surrounded by a molten layer of magma into which He provided the minerals and elements which would be needed to be used in His unique gift to this chosen planet, the gift of life.

He floated a solid crust over the magma through which over billions of years became a mass of land surrounded by vast seas. Over some 250 million years ago, that vast land mass divided and has floated into the positions and land masses as they exist today, and as they existed when the trees, animals, flowers, plants and temperature were ready for God to create Man. And he created Man to be a little less than the angels.

That evan though mankind is an animal in the biological sense, he is God-like in that he was endowed with a soul and intelligence through an extraordinary brain. It is with that God-endowed brain that has allowed him to rule all other denizens of the world, and to use the bountiful elements and natural materials of this planet; to solve the mysteries of the stars; to go to the moon; to fly; to plow, plant and reap; to conquer diseases, and to build great cities, cathedrals, churches, and schools; to exercise Gods gift of freedom and choice of actions.

Man’s choice of evils has often led to savagery, wars, and terrifying events in His name. And Man worshiped idols of vanity, power, and lost his way.

That a little over 2,000 years ago God delivered His final revelation to Man, God’s blessing of redemption of Man through His Son, Jesus Christ.

That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He was crucified, dead, and buried, and that He arose from the dead. He ascended into Heaven. His death was atonement for all of mankind who believe.

That God’s crowning creation and glory to mankind is a soul, and yea, I shall walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death without fear, and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord, forever.


That the perfectly ordered and controlled billions of galaxies, stars and planets just happened, and that all life and other forms within the universe were generated by interaction and uncontrolled happenstance over billions of years.

That the third planet in the solar system, the planet Earth, just happened to have a circumference of be 25,000 miles; a diameter of 8,000 miles; a mass of such magnitude just sufficient to attract and hold an atmosphere; an atmosphere composed primarily of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, with other minor amounts of elements, all of which can and do support life; a rotation velocity which results in a 24-hour day/night revolution; a star of such size, and a distance from that star of 93 million miles to that Earth, which resulted in temperatures that would support life on that planet; a 23.27-degree angle from vertical axis rotation, wherein four seasons allows circulation of winds, production of conditions for clouds and precipitation, for the furtherance of life; a planet with an abundance of fresh and salt water, minerals, petroleum and arable land; and the myriad substances that support life, and support it abundantly.

That the scientists, academic elites, mainstream media, socialistic liberals, ACLU, secularists, Islamic radicals, Protestant and Roman archbishops and bishops, and terrorists of today’s world will have any better success than did the Romans, Huns, the Kahns, the Turks, the Saracens, the Vikings and Norsemen, the Moors in Africa and Spain, the Communists in the USSR, or the German Nazis, to destroy Christianity, Christian values and the Christian presence in the United States of America and in all of the continents of this Earth.

And finally, I do not believe that the efforts of the scientists and NASA to disprove the uniqueness of Man, and life on this Earth, by the expenditure of billions of dollars in attempts to prove that life exists or did exist on Mars will be successful.

William H. Cooper
Peachtree City, Ga.

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