‘Returning Catholics’ program starts at St. Mary’s

Tue, 08/22/2006 - 4:51pm
By: The Citizen

A new ministry entitled “Returning Catholics” will be launched at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Sharpsburg beginning Thursday, Aug. 31. The program, which is free, will be held on seven Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the parish offices.

Leading the new ministry will be Mrs. Gerri Thatcher who wrote the program plan for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Thatcher described the program as being in discussion format, inviting anyone who has been away from the church.

“It is run by people who themselves have been away from the church, like myself,” Thatcher said.

Participants will share stories of faith, discuss the many changes in the church and have a question and answer session. Also covered will be an explanation of the Mass with inquiries from a question box that will address Mass changes, especially those coming from the Second Vatican Council. Father Dan Fleming, pastor of St. Mary Magdalene, will conduct the question and answer portions.

In addition, there will be discussion on the sacrament of Penance and an explanation of the Creed, the litany of Catholic beliefs.

Thatcher said the parish hoped to welcome all who had once been practicing Catholics but who had left the church for a wide variety of reasons.

The is a friendly and non-threatening gathering,” she said, “and we look forward to greeting anyone who might have an interest in the church again.”

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