P---roprl S---mell C---ontinues

Kamots's picture

Well it is Tuesday after the plant should have been shut down and it still smells...at least it did this morning. Two new trucks went in the facility last night, one was a large tanker truck with a large black steel frame weelded around it. This morning there was a new tanker truck bearing the name "Paragon" on it. Backing into the drive way and I took a picture of the guy getting out of the truck. This was about 7:50 in the a.m.

Last night when the two trucks pulled onto the facility property, the gates at the enterance to the processing area were closed and there were: 1) A trailor from a semi parked to the right, and 2) A tanker trailor parked beside it, as if to keep others from pulling in that area. But when these two trucks pulled in the tanker truck was moved out of the way.

Anyway that about does it for today, unless I need to send more tonight. Have a good day

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