GARPAC supports realtors and citizens, raises money with western themed auction

Thu, 07/20/2006 - 1:01pm
By: The Citizen

GARPAC auction

You’ve heard much about “Eminent Domain,” where the Government wants to come into your neighborhood and take some of your land. What can you do about it? Who can you turn to? Your local Real Estate Professional is part of the solution. As members of the National Association of REALTORS, along with the local Fayette County Board of REALTORS, FCBR, there is a specific committee set up to protect property rights.

This Committee is Georgia REALTORS Political Action Committee, or GARPAC. GARPAC constitutes an organized grassroots effort to support the real estate industry and the real estate professionals dedicated to it. At the local, state and national level, GARPAC supports public policy positions that best protect private rights and the free enterprise system.

This year, on May 12th, the FCBR held their Annual GARPAC Auction at Flat Creek Country Club to raise funds and awareness on political issues affecting the real estate industry and our community. With a western theme, a local disc jockey, a line dancing instructor, and over 50 items donated by local businesses members, and local REALTORS, the committee raised enough over $8,000 to help them reach their goal for 2006.
Committee GARPAC Chairperson Shawn Parker, along with her Vice-Chair Veronica Dodson, and their great committee lead the evening’s auction, raffle and special bond to release President Sue Monson from a makeshift jail.

President Monson stated, “She was very proud of the excellent job the GARPAC Committee did to raise this amount of money, creating a fun night for all.” She would also like to thank anyone who contributed to or was a part of the event.
The Fayette County Board of REALTORS is one of nearly 1,600 local boards and associations of realtors is nationwide that comprise the National Association of REALTORS.

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