Pied Piper charms children this weekend

Thu, 11/03/2005 - 5:22pm
By: The Citizen

Offshoot Productions’ “The Pied Piper,” a children’s participation show, opened Thursday at the Fayette Family YMCA in Fayetteville. The production, which runs through November 13, puts a unique spin on the famous story.

The mayor of Hamelin faces major problems: not only is the town broke, but now a terrible rat infestation threatens its citizens. The mayor’s bumbling and lack of organization enable the egotistical Pied Piper, a visitor to the town, to take advantage of its inhabitants in his search for fame and fortune.

The Piper's clever and compassionate assistant, Gertrude, manages to rid the town of the rats, set the mayor's schedule aright, and teach the Pied Piper how special talents also come with responsibility to others.

However it is the children in the audience who really help to save the town of Hamelin by enacting the roles of villagers, students, and even the annoying rats.

Heading the cast as the Pied Piper is Justin Sims, who recently appeared in Offshoot’s ”Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” as well as Shakespeare’s “Tempest,” and “The Comedy of Errors.” With a degree in Film Studies, Media and Theatre from the University of Georgia, he plays the role of the egotistical Piper with flair. His clever servant Gertrude is portrayed by Kristi Rivas, who appeared with Sims in the same two Shakespeare plays and has spent over a dozen years in the theatre. The role of town’s mayor is held by Brad Cottle, a former apprentice who has branched out to appear in shows at the Neighborhood Playhouse and elsewhere. The town’s school teacher, Veronika, is played by Wendy Fulton-Adams, who holds a B.A. from the Professional Actors Training Study at the University of Illinois, Champaign, and was last seen in Offshoot’s “But Was It Murder?” Two young apprentices, Katy Sage and Sarah Pardoe, round out the cast.

Performances are Thursdays and Fridays at 10 a.m., Saturdays at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m through November 13. Tickets are $7 for general admission and $6 for children 10 and younger. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Fayette Family YMCA, 215 Huiet Road, Fayetteville, 770-719-9622, at the Fayette County Library, 1821 Heritage Parkway, Fayetteville, 770-461-8841, and at the Peachtree City Library, 201 Willowbend Road, 770-631-2520. Tickets are also available online at www.offshoot.org and at the door before each performance.

In January and February, schools, daycare centers, churches and other organizations will be able to host “The Pied Piper” as the company undertakes its local winter tour.

Offshoot Productions is a Fayette County-based professional theatre company entering its thirteenth season. A grant from Target Stores provides partial support for “The Pied Piper.”

For group rates and additional information, contact Offshoot at 770-631-2362 or offshootpr@aol.com.

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