Jack Smith - County Commission Post 4

Tue, 07/11/2006 - 4:49pm
By: Candidates Forum

Jack Smith 2006

To say I am disappointed in the incumbent’s remarks directed at me is an understatement. In political races, an incumbent personally attacks an opponent when her own record isn’t adequate to justify her re-election. Such is the case with the incumbent trying to label me as “developer friendly” and “naive.”

Because she can find no issues to attack me with, she just makes them up and hopes the voters will buy her tactics.

She was correct in saying “Fayette County needs LEADERS who think for themselves....” But she apparently doesn’t realize by her being a “yes-man” she has become a follower and not a leader. My leadership accomplishments, volunteer and otherwise, are well-documented and mine are earned.

On July 18, your vote will either continue a pessimistic incumbent or will elect an optimistic, experienced leader.

You can vote for incumbent “Commissioner NO,” who is apparently afraid to discuss alternatives for fear of having to change her mind, or you can elect someone who can see both sides of an issue and offer viable alternatives.

You can vote for an incumbent who claims to champion senior citizens and battered families while being their most vocal opponent (vehemently arguing against the new senior center which she now hypocritically uses as her centerpiece of senior support), or you can elect someone who believes there is a need for senior services beyond the meals-on-wheels program and believes the incumbent’s hindering non-profit services is worse than providing them no funding.

You can vote for someone who claims to have lowered your tax rate while letting your property assessment skyrocket, or you can elect someone who has real alternatives to fix runaway assessment increases. (Linda’s head-in-the-sand mentality on this issue allows the state, school board, and cities to reap windfall tax dollars from you. The Georgia Constitution allows counties to freeze valuations as long as the homeowner resides on the property. Why hasn’t Fayette?)

Hello. Linda, people want solutions, not status “NO.”

If you elect me July 18, I will use my extensive government training, business experience and good judgment to look for ways to provide government services more efficiently, to respect employees and other elected officials, and to provide oversight to all functions under a commissioner’s watch.

I promise not to attempt a management takeover of the constitutional officers, the cities or the ARC. And I promise when I must disagree, I won’t become disagreeable.

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