Lee Wright - Board of Education Post 5

Tue, 07/11/2006 - 4:42pm
By: Candidates Forum

Lee Wright 2006

As we head into the final week before the Republican primary, I continue to seek your support for my re-election to the Fayette County Board of Education.

During my first term on the School Board, we have accomplished many worthwhile academic and financial objectives that benefit our schoolchildren and citizens.

We have much work ahead of us, as our school system is growing and changing. State funding for public education continues to be cut, so it will be ever increasingly challenging to fund balanced budgets with all our necessary programs and staffing.

I’d like to continue to be a leader in this effort, and I am the better candidate who is equipped for this task with a long career in business and finance.

As stated previously, during my second term our focus should continue in these four key areas:

• Academic excellence and student achievement

• Sound fiscal management and responsible spending

• Strategic planning for growth and changing dynamics

• Attracting, training and retaining top talent in personnel

Our Fayette County schools continue to excel in academics and extra-curricular activities. Our superintendent, teachers, administrators, and staff remain dedicated to delivering a quality education for our students in safe, modern, and well-maintained facilities. Information technology advances will proceed, as wide and local area network upgrades are already in progress. My re-election ensures that this positive momentum continues to move forward.

I remain committed to doing what’s best for our kids, and I pledge to keep that as our focus on the School Board. My re-election ensures that balanced representation remains on the School Board, and I will stay up-to-date on current school affairs, having a wife who is a Fayette County teacher and with two children in Fayette County high schools.

Our excellent record in Fayette County schools over the past four years speaks for itself, so I hope you agree that I am the better candidate for this position to guide us for another successful four years. My proven leadership and experience, outstanding track record, fiscal responsibility, and balanced representation will serve us well with my re-election.

It has been my pleasure to serve on the School Board for the best school system in the state, and I look forward to serving our constituents for another successful term in delivering excellence in education.

Please remember to VOTE WRIGHT on July 18 for me!

Kindest regards,

Lee Wright

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