Bob Todd - Board of Education Post 4

Wed, 07/05/2006 - 8:38am
By: Candidates Forum

Bob Todd 2003

Editor’s note: The candidate provided answers this week to last week’s questions.

1. How often do you think redistricting should occur in order to avoid overcrowding at schools and the overuse of trailers? Describe your plan.

Redistricting must be an integral part of the long term facilities plan for the school district. It should take place in a two-phase process.

First, preliminary redistricting must take place, including current and projected growth, in order to locate the most appropriate sites for new schools. Once the buildings are completed then lines should be drawn that provide for the best use of all existing schools.

Second, population shifts cause under-population of some schools and over-population in others. A responsible school board will approve redistricting to use existing empty classrooms rather than increase cost by using trailers that are not the best learning environment for students. In summary, redistricting cannot have a set date but must be done when conditions, as described above, exist.

2. What is your solution for handling illegal students who attend Fayette County schools but do not live in district?

Students illegally enrolled in Fayette County schools cost local taxpayers $3,700 per student per year and cause overcrowding in some schools. It is encouraging to see the current board moving, finally, to aggressively go after the parents of students illegally enrolled in our schools. I endorse and fully support the plan now in place to deal with this issue, When elected I will encourage the board to hold the appropriate staff accountable for seeing that all students illegally enrolled are removed and that their parents are held financially liable.

3. What’s your opinion of the school system’s current bus transportation plan?

Fayette currently transports all students who live more than a mile away from their school. The system also operates separate bus routes for elementary. middle and high school students. The state of Georgia funds the transporting of students who live more than 1.5 miles from the school and does not provide for separate routes. I support the current transportation plan; however, the availability of fuel and rising costs may force at sometime a reexamination of the current plan.

4. When should the school year start and end?

The decision as to when the school year should begin and end is more complex than picking beginning and ending dates. The issue is not about year-round school; it is about spreading out the school year. No one, apparently, has thoroughly examined the impact the many start-up and ending dates have had on student learning and the content taught. It is common knowledge that students slow down in anticipation of an extended holiday. Many working parents also have to scramble to provide childcare during the many breaks taken. The Fayette school calendar should be developed with parent and community input and should reflect what is best for our students and their learning.

5. Overall, is student discipline a problem in Fayette schools? Explain.

[No answer given.]

6. How will Fayette schools be improved by your election?

[No answer given.]


I entered the race for Post 4 on the Fayette Board of Education due to a growing concern for the future of our children, grandchildren and nation. An incomprehensible trillion dollar national debt and increasing out-sourcing of jobs to other countries leads one to conclude that a good school system may not be sufficient to provide students with the skills they will need to successful.

School Board members to be effective must have the vision to see the system as a unified and smoothly operating unit with a primary focus on students, teachers and learning in the classroom.

My focus will be on getting the School Board to:

• Implement policies, which support student performance, school improvement and system direction

• Continue to improve instructional quality

• Keep financial resources focused on the classroom, students and teachers

• Deal forcefully with parents of students enrolled illegally in Fayette Schools

• Spend all available funds wisely

• Employ only the brightest, best and most qualified personnel

• Efficiently use all available classrooms to minimize the use and expense of classroom trailers.

I will bring to the board skills in:

• Long term strategic planning

• Curriculum development

• Effective instructional practices

• Effective teaching and administrative practices

• Working with others to accomplish established goals

School Board members, to be most effective, must truly understand children, the nature of schools and what makes them successful. Vote for Bob Todd on July 18th and I will work tirelessly to improve the quality of education for Fayette children.

Thank you,

Bob Todd

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