Georgia Youth Ballet perform Summerfest '06

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 3:19pm
By: The Citizen


Georgia Youth Ballet’s Summer Intensive Workshop in Fayetteville will conclude this Friday night with the annual Summerfest Performance, which will be held at 7 p.m. at the Willie Duke Auditorium at Starr’s Mill High School, 193 Panther Path, Fayetteville.

Guest teachers for the workshop include Gloria Gaither, Sherone Price, Carol Skutek, Troy Jansen, and Ashley Rollins. The dancers have taken a variety of classes including technique, pointe, variation, modern, African, and tap.
This year’s Summerfest performance will feature dances from “Swan Lake,” dances set to the music of Mendelssohn and Dvorak. Choreography will be by Troy Jansen and Laura Wootton. For the finale, all of the dancers will perform to a Broadway medley of hits.

Come out and support community ballet, and if that isn’t enough, support some up-and-coming members of the Fourth Estate. The Summerfest 2006 performance is a benefit for The Prowler, Starr’s Mill High School’s award-winning student newspaper. This past May, The Prowler won the General Excellence designation at the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism at the University of Georgia. It also received the Best Sports Coverage award for the second year in a row.
All tickets are $5 and may be purchased at The Studio on Robinson Drive in Fayetteville or at the school auditorium on the night of the performance.

For more information, call The Studio at 770-716-9858.

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