Is Confidential really Confidential any more?

Haven't visited for a while, but some issues stood out. Reporter Ben Nelms rightly took issue with the publicizing of the name of the wife one of Fayette county's finest undercover agents. According to Ben the misdeed showed up bright and clear in black and white in the pages of the AJC. That's probably why I knew nothing of the incident. I do not read the AJC. But is the AJC the only media outlet that is guilty airing confidential or private issues that should remain just so?
I think not. The government of Peachtree City is receiving criticism for allowing the Mayor to take over the duties of the City Manager that includes the Police Department. According to sources online and in print, the issue at hand comes from the City Manager being arrested for a DUI. What the governances are in such a situation I do not profess to know. I assume the PTC government does. The one item that does bother me is this. The Citizen in its zest to produce accurate facts actually showed the arresting documents online for anyone strolling the Internet to see. Stamped in large letters across the document was the word CONFIDENTIAL. Is CONFIDENTIAL no longer CONFIDENTIAL? Just wondering

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