Amendment is required

Tue, 06/06/2006 - 4:56pm
By: Letters to the ...

Never mind that an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. It’s perilously close to becoming the law of the land — unless citizens like us step up and demand our federal lawmakers pass the Marriage Protection Amendment.

Backing the amendment is not bigotry. Marriage is open to any two individuals who meet certain criteria regarding age and blood relationship and who are of the opposite sex.

Gay activists seek not to end discrimination, but rather to completely redefine — and thus undermine — the foundational institution of marriage.

Liberals argue that the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA), which would define marriage solely as the union of one man and one woman, would write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Even some conservatives say there’s no need for the MPA because state marriage-protection amendments are sufficient to preserve the institution. The problem with that logic is that a federal judge has already struck down Nebraska’s marriage amendment. Only a federal amendment can put marriage outside the reach of federal judges.

Efforts to pass such an amendment stalled in Congress two years ago, but we have another chance before senators vote in early June to convince them to do the right thing this time around.

Betsy Imes
Tyrone, Ga.

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PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 8:14am.

As I pointed out and is being ignored, it is already an issue that has to be dealt with.

Civil union has what legal status where? In California, in example, they get the same benefits as married.

So, this nonsense of just don't give them benefits is a cliche answer. It is already happening.

Thus, a legal initiative is going to be required to normalize and end this immorality on a legal level. Whatever the initiative may be.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 9:14am.

All right, we accept you as the arbiter of all that is moral for the whole world and all of its people. If that makes you feel better, I'm glad! Laws get old, like milk. Solomon had many wives, pork was uneatable, concubines were plentiful and legal, women couldn't vote, slavery was just fine, Muslims killed as many Christians as they could; Christians killed as many Muslims as they could-remember the Crusades? This is the kind of individual selfish thinking that caused much of this stuff. In other words if we change the federal law (most states now don't "allow" homosexual marriage) it will be changed again someday, as was the above. War and famine (currently Africa) should be your concern, not someone else's business, if they aren't messing with your rights. You also have the right NOT to do anything else, of course. Organized religion sometimes causes more trouble and is wrong more than we want to admit. You can't force people to believe as you do!

Submitted by my2cents on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:21pm.

I appreciate you're intelligence highgreen109. Even if you don't agree with homosexuality, at least you have the brains to know that it's not your place to be "arbiter of all that is moral for the whole world and all of its people" unlike these other hate-filled people. Like you said, everyone has the choice to NOT do if you think it's wrong, simply don't do it. But don't police everyone else...especially when they're not asking for BETTER or MORE rights than anyone else.

fatdaddy721's picture
Submitted by fatdaddy721 on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 8:13am.

I couldn't have said it better myself, I am like you Git Real I am tired of having gay agendas crammed down my throat. But the problem is there are to many famous gay people that help these people with their agendas. Everytime you turn around there is another gay celebrity at a parade giving their opinion on the matter and trying to get their views heard.

Submitted by my2cents on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:23pm.

"Everytime you turn around there is another gay celebrity at a parade giving their opinion on the matter and trying to get their views heard"...oh my god, what is the world coming to?? People giving their opinions even when they aren't the same as YOUR opinions?? You've got to be kidding me!!

Since when does Equal Rights=Agenda??

WakeUp's picture
Submitted by WakeUp on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:44pm.

Come on 2% of a dollar. Give one right a gay does not have a straight person does.

Submitted by my2cents on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 12:48pm.

okay 2% of a brain...let me try this one more time. marriage.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 2:48pm.

then maybe you would have some credibility on the marriage issue. It ain't a gonna happen within any natural means.

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 2:47pm.

infertile couples shouldn't marry either..... or any woman who has had her tubes tied or man who has had a vasectomy - because they can't reproduce either. Marriage is only about reproduction? That'll be a shock to several of my friends who have *chosen* to be childless.

Plenty of heterosexual couples use surrogates, adopt, etc...... So why shouldn't stable, loving gay couples do the same? (and they do, of course)

The intolerance here is suffocating. Even though it is now overused, one of my all-time favorite bumper stickers says "Hate is not a family value."

Ignorance breeds hate and fear. I bet if someone in your family or a very good friend was gay, your homophobic views would change.

And p.s. - molestation and rape are usually crimes of POWER not sexual arousal. So yes, a man can molest a young boy (twisted power trip) and never have the desire to pursue a homosexual relationship with anyone. ALSO, do most adult heterosexuals find themselves attracted to youths of the opposite sex? No. Well, the same is true for homosexuals.... Gay people in a healthy adult relationship are NOT attracted to children of the same sex. People who think that homosexuality leads to pedophilia are talking through ignorance and fear.

Oh - and take a visit to the PTC dog park next time you are there and give me your thoughts on the neutered male dogs who like to hump all other dogs, both male and female. Sexual arousal or dominance play/power trip???

Submitted by my2cents on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 3:54pm.

I'm just sitting back watching all the scared heteros run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You guys are really scared aren't you?? Don't let a few lil gays coming to your message board get you in such a frinzy. We don't bite, I promise. If we do infact decide to takeover the world and sneak into your houses and grab your sons and daughters, it won't be anytime soon...we have other things in the works, but it's top secret so I'm not privy to tell anyone. Just be assured, you can rest easy tonight. But make sure you check under your beds and in your closets, gays are everywhere. Eye-wink

fatdaddy721's picture
Submitted by fatdaddy721 on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 4:07pm.

Well I just walked into my bedroom and checked under the bed and in the closet and I didn't find any gays under there or in there. So your comment was very entertaining to me also. I also assure that I am not scared what are the gays gonna do to me to in my house and redecorate.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 8:56pm.

What is with all of this hate? If you people are moving in can you redecorate all of these tired frumpy dumpy family homes? Please will you.... will you....please?? Pretty please....with surgar on it. These breeders(um family people) have no taste or imagination.

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