Solve world's problems: put Mom in charge

Rick Ryckeley's picture

That’s right; I’m delving into the world of politics. Since the Bozos we now have in office are doing such a stellar job, I figured it was about time someone who knows how to run things got into office. That person would be Mom, and by the end of this article, you will agree with me.

First of all, no mom would send her child to war to settle a dispute. Nope, when we kids had an argument, Mom would just put us in Time Out. We stayed in Time Out until we cooled off and agreed not to fight anymore. And that’s what we need instead of all these petty wars we got going on.

We need a Global Time Out. France needs to sit in one corner with their back to the world; Iran would go in another corner and Afghanistan in another. They would stay there until they could act like civilized countries and not kids. Only problem is I don’t think we have enough corners for every petty dictator out there.

Next, money would no longer be an issue if Mom were President. She would never let spending get out of control. In our house there was no such thing as deficit spending. Mom ran our house on a tight budget and simple logic. When she ran out of money, she’d stop spending. You can’t spend what you don’t have - a simple enough concept. I wonder why those people in Washington haven’t figured that one out yet.

Mom had other good ideas too - ones that could actually help this county out. If we didn’t do our chores around the house, she had the solution: we didn’t eat. And we certainly didn’t get our allowance. It wasn’t long before we got hungry and did our chores. So why do we pay for people who don’t work so they can stay at home and do nothing? If Mom found out, she would have a conniption. I don’t even know what a conniption is, but she’d have one.

Mom had the answer to our environment issues too - a simple solution. If we made a mess around the house, if we spilt something, she would make us get out a mop a bucket and sponge and clean it up. Cleaning up the mess you make - a unique concept in today’s world. If a big corporation makes a mess of the environment, they – not us – should be made to clean it up. If Mom were president, you could rest assured she would make them. Or it would be Time Out until they did.

Finally, Mom would never allow gas prices to get so high. Nope, when she went shopping at one store and found an item that was priced too high, she’d shop somewhere else. If she couldn’t find what she wanted at a decent price, we would do without it or she’d convince us we really didn’t need it in the first place. Mom’s solution to today’s high gas prices would be simple. Go buy it somewhere else. Or invent something that didn’t use gas. It should be easy; we got some really smart people in this country.

There’s only problem with electing Mom as President. Whose Mom would we elect? I’m voting for the Mom who believes in Time Out, not eating if you don’t work, not spending money you don’t have, and making people clean up their own messes. If she only did these four things, she would be remembered as one of the greatest presidents ever elected.

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