Metro Kiwanis spotlights most improved 5th graders

Tue, 05/09/2006 - 3:40pm
By: Carolyn Cary

Nothing elementary about these students

The Metro Fayette Kiwanis again honored the most improved student in the county’s fifth grades. It has been a project of the club for over 10 years.

Each school principal is asked to confer with the fifth grade teachers and only one student is chosen from each school.

The presentation was held at the Fayetteville First Baptist Church with the students’ principals, teachers, and family on hand.

Each of the 16 students was presented a United States Savings Bond and a plaque.

The criteria covers students who improve academically as well as socially.

Metro Kiwanis chair Kay Roberts said, “We are not only privileged to recognize these students, but it is satisfying to know that this honor will help prepare them for entry into middle school.”

The Metro Fayette Kiwanis meets each Tuesday noon at the IHOP in Fayetteville. For information, call 770-486-1071.

Honored were Laura Bosma, Peachtree City Elementary; Catherine Perry, Kedron Elementary; Bisi Erinle, Spring Hill Elementary; Rachel Murguia, Robert J. Burch Elementary; Khalia Jones, North Fayette Elementary; Chasity McConnell, East Fayette Elementary; Elisha Guillard, Braelinn Elementary; Charlotte Massucci, Sara Harp Minter Elementary; Justin Bright, Tyrone Elementary; Brandon Bradford, Brooks Elementary; Jimmy Frisby, Oak Grove Elementary; Morgan Ritson, Crabapple Lane Elementary; Javiaer Grandados, Huddleston Elementary; Chase Davenport, Cleveland Elementary; Jake Sterling, Peeples Elementary; and Andrew Mondejar, Fayetteville Intermediate.

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