Denim & Diapers Baby Calendar submission deadline

Tue, 05/02/2006 - 11:28am
By: The Citizen
05/15/2006 - 5:00pm

The American Cancer Society Baron's Ball is looking for twelve beautiful babies to feature in our Denim & Diapers Baby Calendar. Twelve babies have the opportunity to be featured in the second annual calendar and will receive a photo session with The Memory Cottage Portrait Studio and a gift basket from local merchants. One adorable baby will be chosen, from the twelve, as the cover baby. The cover baby winner will receive a $600 gift package from Serendipity Baby and Company and a $350 protrait package from The Memory Cottage. All proceeds from the contest, calendar sales, and calendar advertising benefit the American Cancer Society. Look for sign up sheets in local area businesses and local Publix and Kroger. The deadline for entry is today.