Robert Belisle

Thu, 10/27/2005 - 4:19pm
By: Candidates Forum

As Americans we are truly privileged to have the right to vote and select the people who will represent us. On Nov. 8 I urge each and every citizen of Senoia to go to the polls and cast your ballot. We do not need another mayor’s race that is decided by roughly 300 voters, or about 25% of us. Please care enough to make your voice heard!

The last four years your voice has kept me on the council working for you. During that time I was the driving force that accomplished the following changes:

1. A new residential zoning ordinance that encouraged true green space and upped the square foot requirements on houses.

2. Impact fees to finally shift the development cost off the existing tax payers.

3. Capital recovery fees to help recoup the cost of our water and sewer infrastructure.

4. Capital improvements to the ball fields. For the first time in years the council funded significant improvements that the League asked for.

My opponent has asked to be judged on his record. I can only encourage that! Here are a few points to consider:

1. Impact Fees. Mr. Hannah clearly stated his doubts about them during the last mayor’s race. He still has not adjusted police impact fees based on doubling the size of the police building.

2. Mr. Hannah opposed the 2000 ft. minimum house size in the newest residential zoning ordinance.

3. Capital recovery fees should have been adjusted as soon as the new water improvement contract was approved. I repeatedly expressed this to the mayor. It is still not done!

4. No further action by the city to continue financial support of improvements to the ball fields.

Two other points in the mayor’s record are:

1. Allowing the developer of Ivy Ridge to change the plat after approval by the City Council that reduced green space and increased the number of lots to be built.

2. Allowing the developer of Morningside to change the plat after approval by the City Council with the same results.

Mr. Hannah wrote “Ensure tax revenues are well managed.” I can only say that in a time when city services have not kept pace with growth, for the city to have a 75+% budget surplus we are doing one of two things. We are over taxing or grossly under servicing!

I ask you to decide.

Robert Belisle

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