South PTC getting Chick-fil-A

Thu, 04/13/2006 - 3:55pm
By: John Munford

South Peachtree City will soon have its very own Chick-fil-A restaurant.

Plans have been approved for a Chick-fil-A at the corner of Ga. Highway 74 and Holly Grove Road. The restaurant will be located across Holly Grove Road from the Eckerd drugstore.

This Chick-fil-A will have a slightly different layout on the exterior. The drive-thru menu board will be located in front of the restaurant, and the drive-thru window will be located at the restaurant’s right side along Holly Grove Road.

This layout was chosen so the drive thru would not affect the nearby residential subdivision, a company official told the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday night. But another concern was aired by a resident of the Wilshire Estates subdivision: the noise of trash trucks emptying dumpsters early in the morning, which has taken place as early as 4 a.m. at the current stores located in Wilshire Pavilion.

A city ordinance requires that dumpsters be emptied no earlier than 6 a.m., and City Planner David Rast said the complaint would be forwarded to the city’s code enforcement department.

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