First family Math Night successful

Tue, 04/11/2006 - 4:19pm
By: The Citizen

Food, card games and puzzles helped students and their parents learn math at East Fayette’s first Family Math Night.

About 75 students, from kindergarten to fifth grade, and their families attended the event. They spent the evening making graphs with M & M candies, solving Sudoku problems (number puzzles originating from Japan) and playing cards and dice learning basic math skills.

Math Night was held in March to coincide with National Math Month and to help students prepare for the upcoming CRCT. Beverly Smithson, math instructional lead teacher, says the school is pleased about the success of Family Math Night.

“The teachers had been planning their activities for about a month. We wanted something different where families were working together and doing math. The teachers and families are what made the night a success,” she says.

Smithson adds that parents and students left Math Night excited about doing math. One parent commented that “math was never this much fun when I was in school.”

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