Emory Wilkerson, Republican

Tue, 03/14/2006 - 12:39pm
By: Candidates Forum

Emory Wilkerson

To the citizens of Fayette County:

I, Emory Wilkerson, ask you to show your belief in the bright future of Fayette by casting your vote for me on March 21, 2006. I am the only candidate in this Special Election who has unselfishly served you before seeking election to the Commission.

I, Emory Wilkerson, have served you in a number of capacities over the years from working as a parent volunteer in the schools, serving on school councils, serving as a Deacon and Sunday School teacher, serving as past president of my homeowner’s association, and as first-vice chairman of the Fayette County Republican party.

I, Emory Wilkerson, believe in and advocate balanced growth between commercial, industrial, and residential development. This balanced growth will ensure that our taxes remain low and that the tax burden does not rest completely on the shoulders of residential property owners. I, Emory Wilkerson, am also committed to keeping our neighborhoods strong and safe.

We are blessed to live in Fayette County. Fayette is a county of strong economic growth, vibrant residential and commercial development. Fayette is made up of people from all walks of life who are excited to call it home. The accomplishments we have made in Fayette are numerous and significant, and it is imperative that the candidate we elect to the Commission be an individual who has integrity and vision. The next commissioner must have a vision of progress for our county’s future, a sincere passion for service, and the commitment and ability to do an effective job.

Your next commissioner should be someone who understands and can articulate the future challenges faced by the county. The candidate must be able to represent the interests of all Fayette citizens, possess independence to rise above personal politics, and always put the interest of the county first. The next commissioner must understand and appreciate the county’s history and future potential. Finally, the next commissioner must be a person who has the willingness and ability to unify all of Fayette’s beautiful communities, as it is only through unity that our county can continue to prosper.

There is only one candidate who holds all these qualities and has demonstrated them. There is only one candidate who has the ability, commitment, and passion to serve the citizens of Fayette – Emory Wilkerson.

Thank you and remember, vote Emory Wilkerson, County Commission.

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